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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/ohiovalleyrr.

Business meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month at 6:00 P.M. For details, contact Bob Widman at
The Ohio Valley Railroad Historical Foundation was incorporated on January 10, 2006 as a 501C3 corporation for the purpose of promoting and preserving the history of the railroads and railroading, past, present and future in the Ohio Valley.
The Ohio Valley has a rich heritage of railroading. Coal from the mines of Virginia, Kentucky and Pennsylvania was hauled by train to the Ohio River where it was loaded on barges for transportation down the Mississippi to Southern states. Oranges, lemons and grapefruits are transported in refrigerated cars from Florida through the Ohio Valley to northern markets. Automobiles from Detroit are hauled on car carriers through the Ohio Valley to dealers through out the nation. Cattle from Texas were driven to the railheads in Kansas where they were loaded on cattle cars for shipment through the Ohio Valley to the slaughter houses in Chicago. The steaks were then loaded on refrigerator cars for shipment back through the Ohio Valley to the Southern markets. This is just a brief freight history.
To read more click here
Directions to Little Blue House:
1. Take I-71 North toward Cincinnati
2. Get off at LaGrange exit #22
3. Turn left at bottom of the ramp toward downtown LaGrange
4. When you go over the railroad tracks, look for Poplar Alley, it is the next street on your right. (It is very narrow and easy to miss if you don't pay attention.)
5. Turn right onto Poplar Alley
6. The Little Blue House is just about 100 feet down on the left.
7. Park wherever you can find a space
8. The address is 100 Poplar Alley |
If you have questions or comments, please contact the Web Master at
Please put "Ohio Valley site changes" in the subject line.
This page was last updated on November 4, 2009 |
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