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Norfolk Southern Photos

Norfolk Southern has just began its journey here in Pennsylvania, and I am
proud to say that I captured on film my very first sighting of an NS train
here in the 'Burgh. I don't have very many NS photos, I have not seen very
many to tell you the truth. The merger came along and everyone vowed that
black and white is all I'd see...I aim to disagree. I've seen more CR and
more forgien power than I have black and white. Anyhow, i've scrounged up all
my ns photos, and a few borrowed ones...enjoy.
My very first NS unit I ever saw in the Pittsburgh area.
This was in Wilmerding, PA...about two miles west of the Pitcairn intermodal
Terminal. NS Photo
Number One
This was taken by Tony Kimmel...I have alot
of his photos and find them to be much better than any of mine. I don't
really know anything about this picture, but I thought I'd share it with you
Photo Number Two
This is another shot by Tony, and another good
one might I add. NS
Photo Number Three
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