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Minutes from
Previous BOD
Minutes of October 12, 2001 Board of Directors meeting
Meeting opened at 9:50 p.m.
Total of four members present: Chris Burchett, Louis
Granato III, Andrew Sabens, and Andy Inserra.
Meeting called to order at 9:50 p.m.
Topic 1.) Request of Affiliation from MEYR Continued - Chris B.
A. MEYR idea of affialition was discussed
1. MEYR's decision
to be affiliated by separate organization
a. All MEYR youth members would be able to join the TAMR at the regular rate
of $15 and
be granted all benefits that go along with that membership class.
b. The MEYR would handle all TAMR membership dues coming from MEYR members;
would forward any TAMR membership dues to the TAMR Treasurer on a monthly
along with applications.
c. The TAMR would grant MEYR permission to display the TAMR logo at their
B. Motion to vote; passed by majority at 10:29 p.m.
Topic 2.) All-TAMR Chat Sessions - Andy I.
A. Discussed possibility of having regularly
scheduled TAMR member-only chat sessions.
Topic 3.) Motion to close; meeting closed at 10:44 p.m.
***Additional information: Any persons wishing to received more information on the Maricopa Express Youth Railway, contact Chris Burchett at
Minutes of September 13, 2001 Board of Directors meeting
Meeting opened at 9:45 p.m.
Total of five members present: Chris Burchett, Joe Bohannon, Hans Raab, Louis
Granato III, and Charles Warczinsky.
Meeting called to order at 9:45 p.m.
Topic 1.) Request of Affiliation from MEYR - Chris B.
A. MEYR idea of affiliation was discussed
1. Two options
were brought up for MEYR inclusion
a. The first option was to allow them usage of the TAMR logo and allow MEYR
members a chance
to join the TAMR
b. The second option is to fully incorporate the MEYR into the TAMR by means
of absorbing
MEYR as a division. The new division would be the "MEYR
2. It was decided
to propose the two options to the MEYR an allow them to decide which they
rather have, if either.
Topic 2.) 2002 National Convention - Joe B.
A. Discussed whether we should continue to make plans
for the 2002 convention in New York / New
B. Decided to allow the 2002 convention
committee to make any such decision.
Topic 3.) TAMR Promotions Dept. - Joe B.
A. Discussed the current state of the Promotions
Dept. and what needs to be done.
Topic 5.) Motion to close; meeting closed at 10:32 p.m.
** Next Meeting scheduled for October 12, 2001 at 9:30 p.m. **
2001 TAMR Board of Directors
Meeting -- July 14, 2001
Meeting opened at 10:30 p.m.
Total of five officers present: Chris Burchett, Hans Raab, Andrew Sabens, Joe
Bohannon, Andrew Matarazzo
Item 1.) Begun at 10:30 p.m. / completed 11:00 p.m.
Proposal for 2003 national convention in Davis, California by Ross McKnight - the California Zephyr 2003.
Item 2.) Begun at 11:05 p.m. / completed 11:25 p.m.
Proposal for 2003 national convention in Western New York by Newton Vezina and Andrew Sabens for Nick Wilson - the Lakeshore Limited 2003. Video presentation as well.
Item 3.) Begun at 11:26 p.m. / completed 11:30 p.m.
Discussion of 2003 convention proposal by Ross McKnight and Joe Bohannon
Item 4.) Begun at 11:31 p.m. / completed 11:32 p.m.
2003 convention debate between Chris Burchett and Joe Bohannon
Item 5.) Begun at 11:33 p.m. / completed
Voting for 2003 convention
Officers standing: Andrew Sabens, California; Andrew Matarazzo,
California; Hans Raab, California; Joe Bohannon, California; Chris Burchett,
New York.
Special Order of Business -- 11:50 p.m.
A. 2003 convention vote
1. New York
(seconded) vote; no discussion; "aye" by Chris
2. California
(seconded) vote; no discussion; passed by majority
B. Boxcar Discussion (seconded)
1. Andrew Sabens
described car
2. Cost discussion
a. Vote on cost for members (seconded); passed by majority
Old Business -- 11:55 p.m.
A. Move Virginia to Southern Region from
Northeast Region (Joe B.)
1. Discussion about
changing the TAMR Constitution from Article 5, Section 1, Parts 3 to 4.
2. Discussion
closed at 11:57 p.m.
New Business -- 11:58 p.m.
A. Promotional flyers for kits (Joe B.)
1. Funding
2. Vote; passed by
majority for flyers
3. Closed at 12:01
B. Mission statement (Dave Hadley and Joe
1. Modeling and
education discussion for Hotbox
2. Discussion
of article variety
3. Closed at 12:15
C. Website discussion (Joe B. and Chris B.)
1. Lack of change
2. Need for update
3. Closed at 12:21
D. E-membership discussion
1. Points made by
Board members present
2. Motion to close;
closed at 12:38 a.m.
E. Hotbox
1. Hotbox delays
2. Board's points
3. Hotbox
cost-versus-quality discussed
4. Hotbox
content discussed
5. Sponsorship for Hotbox
6. Hotbox
7. Motion to vote
on Corporate membership
a. Limit's set
- Dues of $20 annually
- Be related to hobby only, not political
b. Passed by majority
F. Motion to close; 2001 BOD meeting closed at
1:14 a.m.
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