On May 22, 1998, I got a taste of what REAL railfanning and train chasing were all about! It was my first trip to the "Loop" and I would met up with a friend and fellow railfan, Sebastian. Sebastian and I met on the Internet a little over a year ago. The main purpose of his visit to the United States was to railfan. I left my home in Santa Barbara at precisely 6:30am in order to be in Tehachapi by 10am, where I would meet up with Sebastian. I estimated a 3-hour drive each way but I wanted to stop in Fillmore for some breakfast. Below are photos I took at the Loop and surrounding railfan hotspots. Enjoy and I would appreciate any comments you might have.
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| Description
| (57K) Me on top of a the best hill to view the entire loop. I brought a scanner with me to listen to rail traffic.
| (21K) Foolish trespassers at the tunnel opening with a train approaching from the other side!
| (23K) The trespassers at least have the common sense to get out of the way! The engineer spotted them and blew his whistle.
| (88K) "Hi-ball the trespassers!" The engineer said on the radio.
| (46K) A colorful mixture of power on this train including what looks like a leased Conrail unit.
| (54K) The same train making the last turn before going behind the mountain.
| (47K) Exhaust pours out of the tunnel opening when the train emerges. One could only imagine the vast amount of soot that engineers of the steam era had to endure.
| (70K) Another eastbound makes its way over a bridge with highway 58 in the background.
| (37K) At BEALVILLE, MP 339.5, is a great grade crossing in which to photograph trains. Too bad there was a lot of construction debris in the way.
| (34K) Another leased locomotive seen at BEALVILLE.
| (34K) It looks like BNSF was so eager to get this unit into service that they didn't even bother finish painting it!
| (63K) We had to run hard to get this photo of a BNSF westbound approaching the end of Tunnel #1 just east of BEALVILLE.
| (44K) A nice photo of the train blasting through.
| (30K) This looks like a hotbox detector and/or car counter? On the side pannel it said the operating frequency was "910-930 MHz." Sebastian and I didn't have scanners that covered the 900 MHz band so we couldn't listen to it. It looked like the unit was not completely installed.
| (36K) Union Pacific Eastbound trailer train roars past at BEALVILLE. Here one can see the new car counter/detector.
| (49K) My first close look at a CTC switch in action. It's hard to imagine that a dispatcher has control over it back in Omaha, NE, where Union Pacific is dispatched.
| (39K) This SP westbound train was waiting for the eastbound shown in the above photo. With the switch aligned from siding to main, the train is beginning its transition.
| (33K) Sebastian, my railfan partner and friend. Hi Sebastian, hope you like the photo!