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| Description
| (51K) Train #14, the northbound Coast Starlight to Seattle departing with an F40PH. It's good to see F40s still around.
| (43K) #14 rounds the corner to Mission Tower after an on-time departure.
| (47K) At last, everything matches! Amtrak #462, a new F59PHI and brand new Surfliner cars look like one as it is pushed out of Union Station by #462. When the new F59PHI locomotives arrived, they looked quite odd coupled with phase III paint Horizon coach cars!
| (40K) Surfliner arriving from San Diego. When we saw this full length dome, we had to ride in it so we rode Surfliner #574 to San Diego and sat in this car the entire way, and back to Santa Ana.
| (45K) On board the dome car, we stake out great seats for the trip. Pictured are Mike (left) and Les (right).
| (40K) Just after #14 departed, Train #1's consist that arrived earlier was towed out of the depot to the Amtrak coach yard..
| (62K) In San Diego, a Coaster commuter ready to depart northbound as our train sits along side it in the background..
| (44K) San Diego's Red Trolley. It was tempting to take a quick roundtrip ride but lack of time prevented that trip.