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Trip to Chicago Soundpage
I used my Panasonic RN-402 mini-cassette recorder hooked directly to my Yaesu FT-411E ham radio or Uniden Bearcat BC-200XLT Scanner. Using the VOX set at medium sensitivity, I was able to capture rail traffic without having to listen continuously with my finger on the record button! The sounds are in WAV format and some of the files are quite large. Please let me know if any of these sounds don't play correctly.
Sounds on the Coast Starlight
Sounds on the Empire Builder
- Burlington Northern Detector (100K) at "Bendalia" WA. 3/27/97
- Burlington Northern Detector (94K) at Home Valley, WA. 3/27/97
- Our broken baggage door (193K) at Spokane, WA. 3/28/97
- High-Ball Spokane (25K) was given after our baggage door was fixed. 3/28/97
- Burlington Northern Detector (105K) at Wolf Point, ND. 3/28/97
- Freight paging BNSF Dispatcher (213K) near Whitefish, MT getting permission to go out on the main line. Notice the different paging and microphone release tones used. 3/28/97
- Glacier Dispatcher (98K) taking a signal away from a BN grain train. The engineer was not pleased about that. 3/29/97
- Burilington Northern Detector (132K) at Bison, MT with a comment by the engineer afterwards. 3/28/97
- A concerned engineer (148K) informs the dispatcher that they will be going "dead" soon. West of Shelby, MT. 3/28/97
- The BN Rocky Mountain Van (458K) involved in an accident! near Glacier Park, MT. 3/28/97
- CP Rail Detector (106K) near St. Paul, MN. 3/29/97
- CP Rail Detector (112K) with a different message near St. Paul, MN. 3/29/97
- CP Dispatcher paging tones, (16K) used between St. Paul and Chicago. They're very different than anything I've heard before. 3/29/97
Sounds on the Southwest Chief
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