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This is the Web Home of Rob McKeever...


I'm not sure many can answer this question.. I'm not even sure if I can.. but I am a Dreamer, in many ways... I am indeed a true Southern Gentleman, a dying breed.
at any rate, here is a list of my rules of dating.. *Warning, these are simply generalizations based on my past experience and meant for entertrainment only..

I've also been told that I know too much about the History of Penn State; I see it as just being aware of my surroundings, and some credit is due to Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia... "To develop and encourage Loyalty to the Alma Mater." The background for this page matches my kilt in the MacIver tartan. I am of Scotch descent through my paternal grandfather. Here is my sister's page.


Where am I? Chances are one of a few places... First, feel free to check out my class schedule, as it is the most likely place to be during the day. Offices include the Model Railroad Club, 3-5925, the Ham Shack, 5-7231, in the Music Building at a Phi Mu Alpha Event or off galavanting somewhere singing with the Dreamers.. ...but rest assured, I am rarely at home. (It never hurts to try.. who knows. Since they finally turned the ethernet on Monday 11/20/95, I might even be home.


I am a Geography major at the main campus of Penn State. I have yet to decide between the Cartography/Remote Sensing/GIS option and the Urban and Regional Planning Option. I've been at the University since June of 1992. Since I have been here, I have been an engineering major (92-94), a Music Education major, voice as primary instrument, (Fa 94), before arriving at Geography. Check here for cool geography/cartography related web sites! Prior to 1992, I attended Hayfield Secondary School in Alexandria Virginia. Here is a list of online Hayfield Alumni.

The Web

Of late, I have been instrumental in the continual upgrade of the Penn State Model Railroad Club homepage, as well as the creation of the Penn State Amateur Radio Club, the Penn State Concert Choir and Glee Club Homepages, and of continued assistance with Brian Panulla's Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia pages.

Where have I gone?

This is a brief hotlist of locations on the web that I visit on a regular basis.

I have several hobbies.. such as:

I am involved in various things... such as:

kc4vdn@w3ya.pa.usa.na Last Updated Monday 15th April, 1996