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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/russian.
Hi and welcome to my webpage. There isn't
much here right now because I don't spend much time on webpages, focussing
on trains and railfanning instead. With time things should improve however
as I post more and more trip reports and other information. My name is
and I have been an active CN, CP, VIA and shortline railfan for close to
four years now. During that time I've managed to keep a decent gallery
of my best photography online. But do to the brief text descriptions alongside
a few selected imaged, the railroads story, whether that of a passing train
or a crew working is not told, therefore I have found it always best to
post trip reports and the like, which is what this site is intended for.
Since I currently reside in Antigonish, NS, CBNS is the railroad that I'm
railfanning, as I do not discriminate between Class I vs. shortline, SD45-2
or a MOW tamper, just photograph whatever I see. At 18 years old I'm also
a first-year university student and an amateur HO scale modeller as well. |
June 22nd photos now online. |
Helpful links:
- Information about most of Canada's rolling stock
- A major web portal devoted to Railfanning
Locomotive Models - Factory series numbers and orders
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