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these are the RAW pictures from the show, I plan on using them on my web site, but that takes time.
feel free to download any that you like , please give me photo credit.

please say   "Photo by Paul Yorke -"

here is the list of pictures I took at the New Haven Show 8-20-2000 bristol setup DSC00046.JPG
conn setup DSC00047.JPG
conn layout setup DSC00048.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer setup DSC00049.JPG
bad DSC00050.JPG
bad DSC00051.JPG
show overall DSC00052.JPG
show overall DSC00053.JPG
s-helper skyview DSC00054.JPG
Gary Clark - skyview DSC00055.JPG
Postlines - skyview DSC00056.JPG
skyview of Bristol DSC00057.JPG
skyview of Bristol DSC00058.JPG
skyview of Bristol DSC00059.JPG
skyview of conn S DSC00060.JPG
skyview of conn S DSC00061.JPG
skyview of conn S DSC00062.JPG
skyview of Dave's Twacks & Twains Flyer layout DSC00063.JPG
skyview of Dave's Twacks & Twains Flyer layout DSC00064.JPG
skyview of Dave's Twacks & Twains Flyer layout DSC00065.JPG
OVerAll of show DSC00066.JPG
OVerAll of show DSC00067.JPG
J&R tables part 1 DSC00068.JPG
J&R tables part 2 DSC00069.JPG
end view of s-helper layout DSC00070.JPG
end view of s-helper layout DSC00071.JPG
Section of S-helper display DSC00072.JPG
Portlines Hobby - Display DSC00073.JPG
table of locos - J&R? DSC00074.JPG
Heritige Display DSC00075.JPG
Heritige Trolly DSC00076.JPG
Heritige Trolly DSC00077.JPG
Heritige Budd DSC00078.JPG
Portlines Hobby - Display DSC00079.JPG
Arista figures - Doug Peck DSC00080.JPG
table of locos DSC00081.JPG
table of locos DSC00082.JPG
mov Bristol crane DSC00083.JPG
car - bristol DSC00084.JPG
bristol MOV movie DSC00085.JPG
bristol AM steamer DSC00086.JPG
bristol AM steamer DSC00087.JPG
bristol round house traffic DSC00088.JPG
bristol round house traffic DSC00089.JPG
bristol K4 DSC00090.JPG
bristol bridge DSC00091.JPG
bristol station DSC00092.JPG
Bristol coal car tipper DSC00093.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer double header DSC00094.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer control panel DSC00095.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer control panel DSC00096.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer double header DSC00097.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer double header DSC00098.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer double header DSC00099.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer bridge / river DSC00100.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer loal loader DSC00101.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer l/o details cattle ,cow on track, log loader DSC00102.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer DSC00103.JPG
Gerg O'Connell module DSC00104.JPG
Gerg O'Connell module DSC00105.JPG
Gerg O'Connell factory DSC00106.JPG
MOV washer - Conn S DSC00107.JPG
Conn S details DSC00108.JPG
s-helper dozer load DSC00109.JPG
S-Helper set DSC00110.JPG
S people Royal DSC00111.JPG
21100 reverse unit detail DSC00112.JPG
21100 reverse unit detail DSC00113.JPG
Mel's Camel Back DSC00114.JPG
Mel's Loco NYC DSC00115.JPG
Mel's Tender NYC DSC00116.JPG
Track seam Bristol DSC00117.JPG
K4 Bristol DSC00118.JPG
Camera Loco Bristol DSC00119.JPG
RDC & Camelback Conn S DSC00120.JPG
detail Conn. S DSC00121.JPG
detail Conn. S DSC00122.JPG
detail Conn. S DSC00123.JPG
detail Conn. S DSC00124.JPG
detail Conn. S DSC00125.JPG
Saw Mill Conn S DSC00126.JPG
Magnolia Conn S table DSC00127.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer section DSC00128.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer section DSC00129.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer section DSC00130.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer section DSC00131.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer section DSC00132.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains flyer section DSC00133.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains Flyer - with kids DSC00134.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains Flyer - with kids DSC00135.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains Flyer ground Crew DSC00136.JPG
Tom's Trainmaster shell DSC00137.JPG
Skyview Bristol DSC00138.JPG
Skyview Bristol DSC00139.JPG
Skyview Bristol DSC00140.JPG
Conn S skyview DSC00141.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains Flyer skyview DSC00142.JPG
Dave's Twacks & Twains Flyer skyview DSC00143.JPG
conn skyview DSC00144.JPG
skyview Conn part3 DSC00145.JPG
skyview Conn part1 DSC00146.JPG
skyview Bristol DSC00147.JPG
skyview Bristol DSC00148.JPG
MOV Conn S DSC00149.JPG
mov Conn S DSC00150.JPG
movie Bristol DSC00151.JPG
track segmant overhead view DSC00152.JPG
Bristol Layout skyview DSC00153.JPG
Conn. S Layout skyview DSC00154.JPG
BadgerLand Layout - skyview DSC00155.JPG
Don Thompson - Preaching S DSC00156.JPG
S-Helper - Set Box DSC00157.JPG
S-Helper Folks DSC00158.JPG
Showcase S-Helper Display O/A DSC00159.JPG
Doug Peck DSC00160.JPG
John & Robin DSC00161.JPG


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