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Train Gif Citing:

File Name Modification Date Completed Description Click on description for a look at the Gif Referred to. Artist

Repainted Nick Wilson's wilsonBNSFes44acleft.gif The logo was taken and resized from a picture found at

April 30, 2005 New BNSF Logo ES44AC #7687 Nick Wilson, Gregg Staley, 2005
wilsonStaleyBNSF-es44ac-R.gif Repainted Nick Wilson's wilsonBNSFes44acleft.gif The logo was taken and resized from a picture found at
April 30, 2005 New BNSF Logo ES44AC #7687 Nick Wilson, Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyBNSF-centerflowNew.gif Repainted Erik Rasmussen's bnsfcovhop.gif. The logo was taken and resized from a picture found at
April 30, 2005 Center Flow Hopper- New logo #481424 Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyCNcabLLL-denbow.gif Started life as Chris Denbow's cncabwv.gif Was Repanted with a little body modifications.
June 03, 2005 CN Look Listen Live Caboose Gregg Staley, 2005

Started out as my BNSF executive caboose, staleyBnsfWv-Epling.gif Some restructuring and repainting completed this Gif.

June 06, 2005 CP Flanger Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyCPmowCab-denbow.gif Started out as Chris Denbow's cpcabwv2.gif I repainted and modified the body.
June 05, 2005 staleyCPmowCab-denbow.gif Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyCRmowCab-denbow.gif Started as CRQcabwv2.gif I repainted and modified the body, and modified the hearold. June 03, 2005 CP Mow Engineering Services Caboose Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyCRnewEngDivCab-mccormick.gif Started as Cullen McCormicks's mcCormickCRN-12CA.gif and i repainted and reworked the body.
June 05, 2005 CR New England Division Safety Caboose Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyUPmowCab.gif Started out as my BNSF executive caboose, staleyBnsfWv-Epling.gif CWR Service The Picture was from OMI Brass's Website May 30, 2005 UP MoW Caboose #903003 CWR Service, "We're a great big rolling RR" Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyUPmowCab2.gif Started out as my BNSF executive caboose, staleyBnsfWv-Epling.gif The Picture was from OMI Brass's Website
May 30, 2005 UP MoW Caboose 906251 Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyUPmowCab3-mcormick.gif Started out as Cullen McCormick's mcCormickCRN-6transfercab.gif I repainted and reworked the body. research photos from various sites, but the main photo was from here. Brian Smith Photo. (Brian's Site) June 01, 2005 UP MoW Caboose, ex MP Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyUP-BrandT-L.gif Started off as my BrandT power for my Slot Machine Mow Gif, not yet finished. June 04, 2005 UP BrandT Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyCsxDumpL.gif started out as my CSX Supply Truckwd(L).gif, to which the body was modified, and paint was touched up. June 16, 2005 CSX Dump Truck Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyKcsWelder(L(WU)).gif Started out as my BNSFMoW Truck(L(wu)).gif and was restructured and repainted. June 13, 2005 KCS Welder Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyKcsWelder2(R(WU)).gif Started out as my BNSFMoW Truck(L(wu)).gif and was restructured and repainted. June 13, 2005 KCS Welder 2 Gregg Staley, 2005
Started out as my BNSF1864r.gif, The chassis and body were modified along with the paint. September 01, 2005 - L
June 16, 2005- R
BNSF Dump Truck Gregg Staley, 2005
Started out as my BNSF1864r.gif, The chassis and body were modified along with the paint, weathering was applied next. September 01, 2005 - L
June 16, 2005- R
Weathered BNSF Dump Truck Gregg Staley, 2005
I heavily modified Gary Sereico's sereicons-sc-pro-1.gif and took some measurements off of Chris denbows CRcoil.gif, as well as some colors from Chris's CRQcoalportermt.gif July 01, 2005 CR CoilSHIELD Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyCrCoilShield-R-sereico.gif I heavily modified Gary Sereico's sereicons-sc-pro-1.gif and took some measurements off of Chris denbows CRcoil.gif, as well as some colors from Chris's CRQcoalportermt.gif July 01, 2005 CR CoilSHIELD Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyCrCoilShield2-L-sereico.gif I heavily modified Gary Sereico's sereicons-sc-pro-1.gif and took some measurements off of Chris denbows CRcoil.gif, as well as some colors from Chris's CRQcoalportermt.gif July 01, 2005 CR CoilSHIELD Version 2 Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyCrCoilShield2-R-sereico.gif I heavily modified Gary Sereico's sereicons-sc-pro-1.gif and took some measurements off of Chris denbows CRcoil.gif, as well as some colors from Chris's CRQcoalportermt.gif July 01, 2005 CR CoilSHIELD Version 2 Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyBnsfChvy-Lwu.gif Started out as my BNSF1864r.gif, The chassis and body were modified along with the paint, weathering was applied next. July 02, 2005 BNSF RY New Logo Mow Chevy Wheels Up Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyBnsfChvy-Lwd.gif Started out as my Ford F350.gif, (Still under construction) The chassis and body were modified along with the paint. July 02, 2005 BNSF RY New Logo Mow Chevy Wheels Down Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyBnsfExcursion.gif Started out as my Ford F350.gif, (Still under construction) The chassis and body were modified along with the paint. July 02, 2005 BNSF RY (new Logo) MoW Excursion Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyKcsF350-Rwu.gif Started out as my Ford F350.gif, (Still under construction) The chassis and body were modified along with the paint. July 02, 2005 KCS MoW F350 Wheels Up Gregg Staley, 2005
staleyKcsF350-Rwd.gif Started out as my Ford F350.gif, (Still under construction) The chassis and body were modified along with the paint. July 02, 2005 KCS MoW F350 Wheels Down Gregg Staley, 2005

Started out as my UPMoWtruck.gif, The chassis and body were modified along with the paint. Version 1, has 1 strobe and a cooler
Version 2, has 2 Strobes and no cooler
Version 3, is Version 1, with the ladder down.

July 05, 2005 UP MoW Fuel Truck Gregg Staley, 2005

Started out as my cn-AVC.gif, to which I repainted and added some body modifications.

July 11, 2005 CP AVC Gregg Staley, 2005

Completely started from scratch. No other gifs used at all. Versions = shaping tools up or down.

July 18, 2005 CSX Kershaw Model 26 Ballast Regulator Gregg Staley, 2005

I started with Chirs Denbow's ATSFc44-9wleft.gif I completely re-drew the trucks from scratch, and then repainted the body to match the fictional model Railroad Found here

July 28, 2005 Kearney and Black Hills C44-9W Gregg Staley, 2005

I Started with Dave Hersrud's hersrudrs1_mstl2-r .gif I added details to the body, and repainted it into the IIC Scheme.

July 29, 2005 International Intermodal Center RSD-1 Gregg Staley, 2005

I Started with Raymond Hamm's hammssrsw900-L.gif I added details to the body, and repainted it into the IIC Scheme.

July 29, 2005 International Intermodal Center SW-900 Gregg Staley, 2005

I Started with Chirs Denbow's ACFXcf3202.gif I completely re-drew the body, and added detailed scale trucks.

July 30, 2005 BNSF RY (New Logo) 2 Bay Hopper Gregg Staley, 2005

I started with Nick Wilson's EMDsd70aceleft.gif I added some detail to the body, repainted the shell, used the trucks from his UP1982, and borrowed some colors.

July 30, 2005 UP "Heritage" #1982 (MoPac) Nick Wilson/Gregg Staley, 2005

I started with Nick Wilson's EMDsd70aceleft.gif I added some detail to the body, repainted the shell, used the trucks from his UP1982.

July 30, 2005 UP "Heritage" #1983 (WesPac) Nick Wilson/Gregg Staley, 2005

I started with my BNSFcoal-L.gif, redid the body and added the paint.

August 05, 2005 BNSF RY Coal Cars Gregg Staley, 2005

I started with my staleyPacer53scale.gif which was based off of one of Cullen's Pacer Containers. I redid the colors, grapahics, and shape of my old.

August 14, 2005 Hub Group Container HGIU Reproting Marks Gregg Staley, 2005

I started with my staleyPacer53scale.gif which was based off of one of Cullen's Pacer Containers. I redid the colors, grapahics, and shape of my old, I added the new logo for the 25th Anniversary Logo. The 25th anniversary container is based off of PACU 886590.

August 14, 2005 Pacer Containers
PACU Reporting Marks
Gregg Staley, 2005

I started with my staleyPacer53scale.gif which was based off of one of Cullen's Pacer Containers. I redid the colors, grapahics, and shape of my old.

August 14, 2005

STAX Containers
STXU Reproting Marks.

Gregg Staley, 2005

I started with my staleyPacer53scale.gif which was based off of one of Cullen's Pacer Containers. I redid the colors, grapahics, and shape of my old.

August 14, 2005 Schneider Containers
SNLU Reporting Marks
Gregg Staley, 2005

I completly drew this drawing from scratch.

August 18, 2005 Greenbriar Leasing Husky Stack (GRBX Reporting Marks) Gregg Staley, 2005


I started with an Older BNSF MoW Truck of mine, and added to the chassis, and reshaped the cab.

September 01, 2005 - L
August 25, 2005 - R
BNSF Wheel Truck Gregg Staley, 2005


I started with Nick Wilson's EMDsd70aceleft.gif I added some detail to the body, repainted the shell, used the trucks from his UP1982.

September 01, 2005 UP "Heritage" #1988 (MKT) Nick Wilson/Gregg Staley, 2005


I started with Nick Wilson's wilsonTTXthrall5unitMT.gif I modified them by shortening, beefing up the sill and adding the new paint as well as some photo specific mods. (Note: I made L/R A,B,C,D,E and 5 unit version for both BNSF (old) and BNSF RY (New).

September 05, 2005 BNSF 40' Trinity Wells (BNSF/BNSF RY) Nick Wilson/Gregg Staley, 2005


I started with my old staleyHFD421-R.gif and redid some of the chassis, but worked mostly on the paint and made it much better the second time around.

September 05, 2005 HFD #421 Gregg Staley, 2005


I started from the tires up on this one. A complete scratch-draw.

September 11, 2005 KFD #1813 Gregg Staley, 2005

staleyMRLsd70aceMapL-wilson.gif staleyMRLsd70aceMapR-wilson.gif

I started with Nick Wilson's EMDsd70aceleft.gif I added some detail to the body, repainted the shell, used the trucks from his UP1982.

September 12-13, 2005 MRL 4300 and Map Units Nick Wilson/Gregg Staley, 2005


I started from the tires up on this one. A complete scratch-draw. Although I used my orignial unit utilized for a revamp... That one was still scratch drawn.

September 14, 2005 KFD #1814 KFD #1823 Gregg Staley, 2005


I started from scratch on this using Thomas Burger's Scale Ruler and Truck Set. The rest was completed by me.

September 11, 2005 MMscale: NS Tie Gon Gregg Staley, 2005


The GG20B "Green Goat" was done completely from scratch first starting with the dimensions published by RailPower. I was not happy with the way the Gif Looked, and read that the Goat was based off of a GP-9 Chassis, and so I used the dimensions from Chris's and voila. The colors are all original, but some are based off of others such as Cullen, Nick, and James.

September 29, 2005 -October 05, 2005 Green Goats Gregg Staley, 2005


I started with Nick Wilson's EMDsd70aceleft.gif I added some detail to the body, repainted the shell, used the trucks from his UP1982 and for the MRL, I lightened the trucks from my MRL ACe.

October 06, 2005 ACe Primer Units Nick Wilson/Gregg Staley, 2005


I started with Nick Wilson's wilsonUPes44acleft.gif I added detail to the body to make it a DC unit, repainted the shell, darkened the chassis, and added a Chain to hte Rear Trucks.

October 18, 2005 CSX ES44DC (GEVO's) Nick Wilson/Gregg Staley, 2005


I started with my UP SD70ACe #1988 (based on Nick Wilson's EMDsd70aceleft.gif) This was Basically a repaint, with a little detail added.

January 10, 2006 UP SD70ACe #4141 Nick Wilson/Gregg Staley, 2006


I started with my UP SD70ACe #1988 (based on Nick Wilson's EMDsd70aceleft.gif) This was Basically a repaint, with a little detail added.

January 16, 2006 KCS SD70ACe Nick Wilson/Gregg Staley, 2006


I completly drew this drawing from scratch. Normal and Weathered versions were drawn.

February 25, 2006 Maersk Stand Alone Husky Stack Gregg Staley, 2006


I completly drew this drawing from scratch. Normal, Weathered, and loaded weathered were drawn. The loaded version is being redrawn at this time as I was unsatisfied wiht it, look for it in the near future.

February 25, 2006 CSX Difco Dump Car Gregg Staley, 2006


Emergency Numbers
UP:   888-877-7267 BNSF:   800-832-5452 CSX:   800-232-0144
NS:   800-453-2530 CP:   800-716-9132 CN:   800-465-9239
AMTK:   800-331-0008

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© 2003-2006 by Gregg Staley.
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