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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/screamingeagle.
The LMX name and colors
may be seen on the outside, but these engines are effectively Burlington
Northern's, run by BN crews and maintained by the company. LMX leases
these units long-term to the railroad.
Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image.
LMX 8523, a B39-8 and SF 897 begin
to enter some of the heaviest trackage in Lincoln as they pass Memorial
Stadium. The two center tracks are BN's, while the one diverging to the
right is the old MoPac, now UP right-of-way. The parking lot at top left
was once part of the jointly run MP/CNW yard. The rails on the bottom left
lead to a steel plant. 7/22/95 |
LMX 8523 makes it's way out of the Lincoln
Station yards into Hobson Yard. 7/22/95 |
LMX 8525 makes its final approach
to east Hobson Yard. |
LMX 8588 waits at 17th Street
near the state fairgrounds. In Lincoln, the usual pattern for westbound
traffic from Omaha means stopped and waiting trains just east or west of
the Havelock Shops, east of 17th Street at the fairgrounds, Lincoln Station,
and just east of Hobson Yard. Eastbound trains don't stop after leaving
Hobson. 1995 |
LMX 8588 vents some smoke as it
revs forward to Lincoln Station and Hobson Yard - a perfect example of a
great shot gone bad! I'm not proud of this one *grin* It pays to be aware
of your surroundings and lighting when you take action shots, otherwise
you may find an un-anticipated telephone pole's shadow smack in the middle
of your shot. 1995 |
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Latest update:
Thursday, 13 November, 2003
taken in Lincoln, Nebraska unless otherwise noted.
photos & text © 2000-2003 T. Greuter / Screaming Eagles ,
unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved.
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