it's gone, it's gone forever.
It is in our
own best interest as fans of the Missouri Pacific Railroad to help
keep MoPac equipment looking like MoPac equipment. By doing this
we preserve the Missouri Pacific's image for the next generation
to come and supply the public with an accurate image of the railroad.
We have seen equipment being repainted, number, decaled in whatever
is available to restorers. We should always very glad to hear of
efforts to restore these old waycars, and we are fortunate to have
a few who volunteer their time and energy to locate, record, document,
and assist in these efforts.
The depot in Kyle, Texas, which for years
had been preserved on private property away from the railroad, was
donated to the city of Kyle along with SW caboose 854. The building
was moved today several hundred yards from the spot where it has
been parked since September, to trackside near its original location.
You can see photos at http://www.marshallshops.com/kyle
(R. Higginbotham)
The Talmage, Nebraska Mopac caboose is
no more! The T&P-built steel caboose has been moved to Nebraska
City beside the old CB&Q depot, minus trucks and painted BN
GREEN <grrrr!> (thanks to Elvin Klepzig for details)
This leaves the Union car as the sole survivor still in original
MoPac paint. In 2001 the third Nebraska caboose located near Papillion/Omaha
car was repainted overall red due to its deteriorating condition.
confirmed, there is a MoPac SBW cab body on the ground at an Anderson
Construction scrapyard/storage lot in Council Bluffs Iowa.
Ex-MP motorcars being restored by private owner - Jeff Ford of Amarillo,
TX is
currently in the middle of restoring an ex-MOP Fairmont S-2. The
car (MPC 5214) came from a private owner in Tyler, TX.
of this and two other MOP cars online at:
(This is a temporary page that will be replaced in the near
Anyone who has photos of these cars in service should pass along
their scans to Jeff to help him with the project. Contact ScreamingEagle
if you can help.
Some interesting Links:
Merchants MoPac Cabs for sale
caboose wearing Dr. Pepper colors owned by Dave Lee at the Indiana
& Ohio Logan yard on July 27, 1996.
RS3 Restoration Project
- Here is an update from Steve Linhardt:
thought I would give you an update on the restoration project
before I ask for a little help.
progress has been slow, the RS-3 project is still moving along.
ÊExcept for a few minor areas all of the paint on the cab and
hoods has been removed. ÊUnfortunately the stripper does not work
well below 50 degrees, as a result completion of this work will
Ê have to wait until this spring when it warms up.
RS-3 is the next unit scheduled for shop time and space. ÊDuring
this winter we are planning on completing the body work on the
unit. The replacement steel has been purchased and is on site.
at some shots of different classes of units it appears that on
some units everything below the walkways was black; other units
have the frames and steps painted blue with the fuel tank and
trucks being black. ÊNone of the shots have been able to find
clearly show which of these paint schemes the RS-3s originally
wore. Ê All of the color shots I have were taken after several
years of use and while it looks like the frame and steps where
painted blue, I am not 100% positive of this. ÊIf you or one of
your members could confirm this it would be most appreciated.
If you would like to help, you can
contact Steve Here.
I received a
call from one Russell Bath who heads the restoration efforts on
the Beecher IL C&EI depot and MP 13649 caboose. ÊThey are getting
ready for the caboose restoration. Ê
The depot is
some 90% finished externally but they haven't started on the interior.
ÊThey have only one photo of the interior and were wondering if
anyone might have or know of a source for any. Diagrams or drawings
would be of help along with C&EI paint colors and that sort of thing.
If anyone has anything they might be able to use, feel free to email
Russell direct at rgbvcb.bath@worldnet.att Thanks for any
help you give. Ê(Elvin Klepzig)
Seen headed eastbound to Houston was an HATX GP38-2 (ex-MP, no number)
still in MP blue. Looked very ratty and neglected, but the old MP
screaming eagle was bleeding through old faded HATX lettering.
I was
able to finally confirm the existence of an old MP depot in Nebraska
City located at "John Brown's Cave," 20th St. & 4th
Corso. The depot was built in 1905 in the town of Berlin, later
Otoe. It was donated to the museum and moved here. The refurbished
MoPac Depot now called the "Otoe RR Station" serves as
a gift shop. www.johnbrownscave.com.
#13577, a wide vision caboose, begins the first leg of it's journey
from Poplar Bluff, MO, to a new private owner in Maryland.
PB-natives/MPHS members Elvin Klepzig and Craig Meador assist in
the cabs initial move and in its hopeful future restoration. The
caboose is to travel on it's own wheels over the Union Pacific line
(formerly MoPac).
I got
word from Jay Glenewinkel (we'll consider it a rumor for now) that
an individual in Texas has bought an SD40-2 from the UP and has
plans to paint the unit in full MoPac dress. I'll try to get some
more info on this and if the 40-2 is indeed of MoPac heritage...
Right now it all sounds too good to be true. There are no units
preserved in the Jenks scheme (though one or two in the tattered
remnants of blue paint have been reported under the current ownership
of some smaller railroads). Only two other display diesels exist,
a GP7 and an RS 3 (in progress), both in Eagle colors.
In the meantime keep your fingers crossed. Thanks for the heads
up on this interesting bit of news, Jay!
Deed of the Day
Missouri Pacific Short Bay Window caboose #13077 (blt 12/81) at
the Kinder, Louisiana City Hall, Hwy 165 & 190, has been repainted
in Union Pacific livery, with the same number. (Elvin Klepzig
and Roger Kirkpatrick)
The MoPac-built
cab never wore any such U.P. scheme. Makes one wonder why the City
went to so much trouble to present an innaccurate image of its own
history. Maybe they just like yellow better than red on a caboose?
Congratulations to the Kinder City Hall for this deliberate revision
of a once authentic historic item.
Newport Depot Restored |
Depot / Lawrence R. Scholl Photo
During a recent trip to Newport, Arkansas I was on Front Street
and noticed that the Missouri Pacific Lines depot had been restored.
I've been informed that the UP sold the depot to a local group who
is working to revive Front Street.
Depot's exterior looks like it may have looked when it was originally
build. The only thing I saw that doesn't ring true is the
roofing material. The original roof was clay tile material.
However, they did trim the ridge lines with what looks like the
clay tiles for that authentic look...clay roofing tiles are very
overall appearance of the depot really looks great. The attached
picture is of the depot taken before the restoration around the
early or mid 1980s. (Lawrence R. Scholl, MSgt. USAF [Ret])
Merchandise w/Bay Caboose confirmed
"Grant Kern sent photos showing that the caboose in Waterford,
California is indeed a Merchandise with a bay." This would
make this cab the only one of this type still in existence
that we know of. (Elvin - http://www.trainweb.org/dbrr/
Elvin Klepzig, of the MPHS's committee for collecting and distributing
MoPac Materials for Restorations, now has a new email address. You
may now contact Elvin
by going to his contact
info page. Elvin plans to put up some info on the committee's
work on this page as well. In the meantime he has been very busy
tracking down possible preserved caboose locations and recording
this info on the caboose list. Anyone who owns a MoPac caboose (or
any other rolling stock for that matter) is encouraged to contact
The town of Bismarck, Missouri is making an effort to buy their
old MoPac station before it is to be demolished. Hopes are to restore
the building for use as a meeting room/library/railroad museum.
website: Marshall, Texas Depot Restoration
Hopefully the
Bismark city council will cooperate with the citizens in this effort
and think more about the importance of preserving local history
rather than the lost revenues of building another parking lot (as
has in the past and continues to happen here in Lincoln, Nebraska).
(thanks to J. Ogden for website recommendation)
The old I-GN depot in Rockdale, Texas is being renovated for use
as a museum. A 4 x 8 sign across the front doorway states
"Future Home of the I-GN Depot Museum, Rockdale, TX". From the looks
of the building, it has been gutted. I believe the building
had been used by a grain elevator or cotton gin for some time as
it looks to be in rough shape. The roof was being renovated
and all windows were boarded up. The old MP Rockdale sign
still graces the building. (Edward Bridges)
You will not believe this, but I have found an official 162 page
unit listing booklet with current disposition, including retirements
of former MP units as late as 2 weeks ago, on every MP diesel unit
ever. It is amazing that many former Missouri Pacific units are
in service still today on the BNSF. Most of the B-Boat GEs that
MP had are gone, and the C36-7 series is close behind. Only 9 SD50s
remain in service, and when the unit fails, it is retired and taken
off of the roster. Same with all the SD40-2s. The GP38-2 units are
slowly starting to be fazed out as well, but not in the capacity
of other units right now. It is in the works, that by the year 2005,
that UP will have only 7 models types on the roster... MP15s, GP15s,
GP38-2s, SD70Ms, SD90MACS, and the C44AC units. Some later built
Dash 9 units may stay in service as well. (Jay Glenewinkel)
Seen this posted at DRGW.net:
PRESERVATION NEWS - Dave Abeles, Preservation Liaison from the RGM&HS,
posted the following news this morning concerning the effort to
preserve a tunnel motor:
about an hour ago, I forwarded a letter to Union Pacific along with
a letter from the Pueblo Railway Museum formally requesting information
on the proceedures necessary to secure the donation of a T-2 from
UP to the Pueblo Railway Museum. Included was a letter from the
museum that stated their commitment and availability of space. Now
comes the waiting, and hoping...keep your fingers crossed. :) UP
considers each such request separately, but donations are the exception
rather than the rule. Time will tell. Here's to the 'Grande!
I'd suggest
that this is a very good thing for the Society to be involved in.
If you've been waiting to join, this just might be a good reason
- and be sure to mention to them that this prompted you to join!
Publishing information is important, but right now I'm very glad
to see them lending a hand to the preservation effort - while there's
still something to preserve. - maverick
to that!