MOPAC Questions Seeking
I've got alot of questions
that roll in each week. Most rewarding is the positive feedback, a wealth
of shared material, and the letters from former MoPac employees - these
have been the best thing personally to come from webmastering a site like
this. Sometimes I get mail that raises an eyebrow, like request to purchase
actual locomotives and even a notice that my ROW license had been cancelled.
And though I try, sometimes I just don't have the answers. Below is a
selection of some of those looking for answers to their questions. Maybe
our readers out there can provide us with a clue or two.
If you are looking
for information on relatives, that is a bit out of my field as well, but
this page my offer you some possible resources to look into.

In a message dated 12/28/2003 4:54:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, Robert
Shindell writes:
I hope you can help me with this. I am in the process of planning a HO
model railroad (mostly switching). I am planning on basing it loosely
on the now defunct Omaha Belt line doing either what was referred to as
either "the Alley" switching district or the "short belt". Do you know
where I can get some information on these areas including possibly track
plans? I already have indutries from prior layouts so these would be rather
ficticious in nature compared to what actually was in these areas. Any
information or links that I couls check out would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and have a Happy New Year. Bob ======
Bob, I've tried to get my hands on maps for this area, but it hasn't been
easy. If you are a member of the MOPAC group at Yahoo (there's a link
on the Screaming Eagles site), I have seen some layout maps for the MPs'
Omaha trackage in the groups' files section. The best part is this is
entirely free when you're a member. I'd also highly recommend the Mike
Bartels "Missouri Pacific River and Praire Rails" book if you haven't
got it already (I think you can purchase these from the the publisher's
website, but I'm not 100% sure). This will give you many b/w photos and
some general traffic details. Hope this helps! Best regards, Todd Greuter
mo-pac.com ==============
Bob, there are some good photos in Joe Collias' book "Missouri Pacific
in Color". Jerry Michels =======
There are also a number of Omaha photos in Dick Dorn's "Missouri Pacific
Passenger Trains". One shows a grain elevator yard very well, but not
much else industry wise. dan ==========
Bob and Group: I added two files to an "Omaha" folder in the files area
of the group. First is a general map of the Omaha area and the Belt Line,
second is an overview of MoPac operations on the Belt Line in 1960. As
for industries: The Alley was just that, a line that ran form the MoPac
yard at 16th and Nicholas St and ran west between Nicholas on the north
side and Izard on the south. The line extended west to 23rd St. and ended
in a MOW compound for the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway. In 1950
- 1960 industries would have 17th ÊNE Êfuel yard (oil and coal) for home
and industrial use, ÊNW Beer warehouse, small oil warehouse 18th NW to
20th st Michlin Lumber company two or more spur tracks 18th to 19th south
side - Gordon Fuel (oil and coal) 19th to 21th south side, Carmichael
Lumber 20th and Nicholas NW - Gas Station with Team track behind 21st
NW Sweeping compound warehouse with angled dock on NE side. Track crosses
Nicholas to a coal yard 21 to 22 south side - Standard Coal Company 22-23
Omaha CB ST Rwy MOW yard. Sand, ties, rail, wire, etc.. Note, the main
building for Michlin Lumber is the original Omaha - CB St Rwy car barn.
ÊIt's still used to day by Michlin Lumber. I have never seen any photos
of switching in the Alley area. ÊUse plenty of modelers license. Most
buildings in the area are one-story, some two. Many small homes nearby.
There is not a siding in the Alley, all switch points face westbound moves.
(But for modeling a siding to run around a train would add interest).
Hope this helps. Dick Ryker
In a message dated 11/16/2003 12:18:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, ColinHrdng(REMOVE)@aol.com
I have a design drawing of Missouri Pacific private car, #200, St. Louis
- 'side elevation of private car plan No. 1398. The name, A. M. Parents,
appears on the lower right of the drawing and there is a date - April
28, 1895 - I think - can't read the signature here - on the upper right.
Looking for some history of the car before I frame and mount it.
Thanx for your help,

From:ÊÊ apreeves25@hotmail.com
To:ÊÊ screamingeagle@rrmail.com
Subject:ÊÊ Something Used in the Railroad Years Ago?
Date:ÊÊ 24 Jul 2003 10:41:29 Eastern Standard Time
I'm attaching a picture of an antique tool a friend of mine who lives
in Kentucky has in his garage. He knew I love antiques so he asked me
to find out what it was. Do you know if it is a railroad tool?

Ê From:ÊÊ "loris bogue" Reply-To:ÊÊ seamsfine@earthlink.net
To:ÊÊ screamingeagle@rrmail.com Subject:ÊÊ T&P surveys Date:ÊÊ Sun, 13
July 2003 16:02:16 -0700 Attachments Name Type Save View MessageÊÊ text/html
Save Ê Hello: Ê I am trying to find information onÊor a map of a T&P survey
#39, abstract #1436.Ê Can you give me information as to how I could obtain
this? Ê Thanks-- Ê Loris B. seamsfine@earthlink.net

From:ÊÊ traind(REMOVE)@ebtech.net
Subject:ÊÊ 4 jack pads per side?
Date:ÊÊ Tue, 10 Jun 2003 21:28:32
Why the extra jack pads on most MP locos? SD40-2s in particular.