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The capital city of West Java Province in Indonesia, has a reputation of being the coldest city in Indonesia: while other cities are located on the coastal plain, Bandung is located on the mountain.

Which is why super powerful diesel-electric locomotives and big diesel-hydraulic locomotives dominated the region around Bandung. As, like Malang, high power and high tractive effort is required to negotiate steep grade around Bandung.

On an interesting note, Bandung is also the place where the headquarter of Indonesia State Railway is located. It's just down the road from Bandung Station.

And also, most of the Railfanning Organizations in Indonesia are based in Bandung. Does it have something to do with the presence of Indonesia State Railway headquarter?














Argo Gede daylight express train waiting its turn to depart from Bandung Station bound for Jakarta.

Look at the water boy. Anyone want some drinks?

Judging by the photo, the train and the station seems to had a better days.

The view of Bandung station during one cloudy afternoon.

A diesel railcar on the right is used for commuter service around Bandung and the surrounding plains.

Another view of the same railcar. This time the train is departing westward.

The spike on the roof is used to deter people from climbing on the top of the roof, which often done by commuter in Jakarta.

This diesel railcar have now been transferred to Surabaya.

A young boy is looking at the head of Argo Gede train.

He's not admiring the train, but he's looking for a free ride (possibly to Jakarta).

A few minutes before, I saw him entering the cab of this loco without permission, and got kicked out when the driver spotted him. Maybe he's now looking for another chance.

The driver of Argo Gede train climbed onto the cab, ready to drive his CC203 to Jakarta.

He is the guy who warn the kid on the above picture to stay away from the driving cab.

This serene morning view does not reflecting what was actually happened in Bandung station on usual days.

Like in this scene, where a Turangga train from Surabaya have just arrived, moments later the station would become much more crowded with the presence newly arrived passengers and its pick-up services.

Bandung locomotive depo is used extensively for maintenance purpose in Bandung. Its close vicinity to station building means the station users are exposed to the risk of being hit by locomotives movement accross depo.

A group of CC203s and a shunter can be seen on the left. A BB301 is visible on the right. Whereas the diesel railcar in the middle is usually used for government purpose, including presidential duties, as flying to Bandung is sometimes dangerous (due to frequent bad weather).

A beautiful shot of Bandung station, looking east.

Double headed passenger train (in this case, CC203 and CC201 are coupled) in Java is extremely rare. As multiple unit system is rarely used in here. Both locos is working on Mutiara Selatan (Southern Pearl) 2nd class express train bound for Surabaya.

A freshly repainted CC203 is visible near the train, doing a testing after (probably) a major overhaul.

A freshly repainted CC203 is seen leaving the Bandung locomotive depo.

This plantation is giving impression as if the station is located in the middle of a park.

Another view of the same loco.

The building beside the loco is the 'new' Bandung station.

Whereas the pedestria path in front of it connect the main station building with the platform and the old station.

The interior view of Bandung locomotive depo.

Several CC201s are seen being maintained. In fact, this depo is the central locomotive depo in Bandung, despite its vicinity which is several metres away from the main station.

A side view of CC203 at Bandung Station, while it prepared to pull 'Argo Gede' express train bound for Jakarta.

The crane in the background is probably working on a construction work around station.

CC203-41 is about to pass the station building, bound for loco depo.

This loco is the last CC203 built.

The builder plate of CC203-41.

All of the new CC203 locos are equipped with this kind of plate, but some might have been stolen when they went for major overhaul. Pressumably stolen by wandering people or wayward mechanics.

The reflection of author's face is partially visible.

A CC203 is ready to pull 'Argo Gede' train, bound for Jakarta.

The 'Nusantara' car is attached at the back of this train.

Looks impressive, isn't it?

The interior view of Bandung locomotive depot.

This BB303 had recently arrived from West Sumatera, being a victim of railway closure at there. And it is nowaday used to haul the new loco-hauled suburban train which replaced the old diesel railcars.

A battered CC20306 is being serviced in background, probably a victim of level crossing accident.




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