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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/sepurinter.
At around August 2003 the CC200 locomotive
was tested around Cirebon. Its aim was to check whether if the loco was in
proper condition. It ran with one
dining car attached on its back.
The journey started from Cirebon Station,
and ended at Pabuaran Station, before returning back to Cirebon again.
Throughout the journey, we encountered
several trains, including the Argo Bromo Express train. What really made us
delighted is that there are plenty of the passengers who cheered on us. It
seemed that they were happy that the could see a vintage train, aside of the
ordinary train that they usually seen.
Even the drivers of the other trains were
also happy to see us.
It was very special journey, and despite
the modest facility throughout the journey, we felt thet we were given a very
special treatment.
CC200 is being started in front of
Cirebon locomotive depo.
Note the thick black smoke which is
typical of Alco engine.
Everything is set for the departure
for the excursion train.
CC200 loco is being pulled away from
the locomotive depo. This photo was actually taken before the engine was
being started.
Throughout the journey, our train passed
several express trains, like this "Cirebon Express" from Jakarta.
The green ricefield in the background
is one among a few ricefield on the trackside which is still in fertile
condition. The rest were dry and barren, like a dessert.
This photo shows the different trend
of American locomotives design.
Although both came from the same factory
(General Electric), CC200 (left) has a carbody design which was popular
in early 1950s (because passenger train was still popular in America at
around that time), but twenty years later passenger train became unpopular
in America, and most of the new locomotives were designed as 'hood' locomotive
(like CC201 on the right), more suited for freight works.
Strangely, the hood locomotive in this
picture were used for express passenger train.
The guys from Indonesian Railway Preservation
Society (IRPS) were seen on the cab of CC200 loco.
Inside the cab, behind the window,
is Mr. Budi Sofyan, head of Jakarta division of IRPS. Whereas on the door,
is Mr. Widoyoko, the chairman of Indonesian Railway Preservation Society.
The author is posing in CC200's door,
before the train is heading back to Cirebon.
In the background is Pabuaran Station.
CC200 is ready to depart from Pabuaran
station with a dining car on tow.
The dining car was provided for those
who unwilling to ride on CC200's cab.
CC200 is seen running light engine
at Pabuaran Station.
It was being turned around.
CC200 loco is
approaching the dining car, before heading back to Cirebon. |
The builder plate of CC20015.
Such item are nowaday rare. And it
is a miracle if we can find such plate remains intact after 50 years,
because it is common that the newer locomotive (even on CC203) have had
its builder plate removed or stolen.
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