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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/sepurinter.
Cicalengka, a small town to the East of
Bandung is often regarded as a gateway to Parahyangan plateau. Because it's
the place where the twisty and heavily graded railway line to Bandung ended
and replaced by a flat line.
Although it is nice place to visit, it
is not particularly good place to take train photos. Which is why, I only
made a few photos of this place.
Argo Wilis and a suburban railcar awaits
Turangga train to pass through.
This picture is actually taken at Rancaekek,
a few kilometres to the West of Cicalengka.
in a windy ricefield near Cicalengka, Lodaya train bound for Surakarta is
approaching Cicalengka slowly. |
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