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Dallas, Garland & Northeastern - The Many Colors of Dingo
One could certainly argue that the Dallas, Garland, & Northeastern was north Texas' most
colorful railroad during the 1990s. It seemed like every time you turned around, a locomotive
representing a new or different RailTex line was in town. Following are a few shots of some
of the locomotives that made the Dingo such a colorful line during the railroad's first
few years:
Please click on any of the following pictures to see a larger image:
An early DGNO shot - Great Western 272 was at
Tower 19 in Dallas on August 22, 1992.
TNER GP7 107 -- a visitor to the DGNO from
neighboring shortline Texas Northeastern -- was
tied down at the beer distributor near Tower 19 in
Dallas on May 4, 1996.
NCVA (North Carolina & Virginia) 23 spent some
time on the DGNO in 1992 and 1993. Here, the 23
shares track space with Great Western 272 in
Garland on November 14, 1992.
Missouri & Northern Arkansas 508, an ex-UP GP40
on loan to DGNO from MNA, has just been shut
down for the day at Garland, Texas on May 4, 1996.
Texas Northeastern 107, New
England Central 9529, and DGNO 172 (in the defunct
Austin & Northwestern's old green-and-gold
scheme) were all on hand in Garland, TX on July 7, 1998.
More RailTex visitors: Cape Breton & Central Nova Scotia GP38s 3801 / 3800 were at
Garland, Texas on July 6, 1998.
Ex-Austin & Northwestern 171 and Texas Northeastern 115 occupy DGNO's service tracks in
Garland on May 4, 1996.
New England Central 9529 was photographed at Garland, TX on July 7, 1998.
Back to Dallas, Garland & Northeastern index page
All images on Wes Carr's Southwest Shorts © 2000 by Wes Carr. All rights reserved.
Wes Carr claims no affiliation with the Dallas, Garland & Northeastern
or any other shortline railroad.
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