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In Memory of James T. Bradley

James T. "Jim" Bradley takes a break on a Dallas,
Garland & Northeastern switch engine in Dallas, Tx.
April 1993.
Mr. James T. "Jim" Bradley, a Texas railroader and author, passed away on June 1, 2005.
I did not know James personally, but I did meet him once, on an afternoon of railfanning around Dallas' Tower 19
in April of 1993. He graciously invited me aboard his crew's switch engine and allowed me to take his
photograph (part of an assignment for one of my college photography classes) as he took a break on the steps of
Dallas Garland & Northeastern GP7 2022.
Author and rail historian Steve Goen shared the following words with the Railspot list and other
internet lists... I found his heartfelt comments to be an appropriate tribute to
Mr. Bradley. Steve has granted me permission to post his comments here. - WSC
(Please scroll down to read Mr. Goen's comments.)
I wanted to let everyone on Railspot,
the MKT site, and the RITS List know
that James T. (Jim) Bradley passed away yesterday (June 1, 2005). James was well known in
local railroad circles and will be deeply missed by all.
James' list of involvement with the railroad industry is long. He worked on
the Santa Fe, MoPac, C&EI, BN, and numerous others during his lengthy
career. Most notably, he was an engineer on the Rock Island out of Chicago
before moving to Texas where he worked out of Peach Yard. After the RI
shutdown he worked for a time on the short-lived North Central Texas
Railroad (NCTR) between Ft. Worth and Chico before being hired by the Katy.
On the MKT he worked primarily out of Ney Yard in Fort Worth.
Like so many others who were affected by the UP merger in 1988, James
eventually took his buy-out and then hired out with the Dallas, Garland &
Northeastern (DGNO) where he worked the five day-a-week Garland-Greenville
turn and various Dallas area switch jobs. It was during his employment on
the DGNO that James would often operate the Santa Fe M-160 doodlebug from
the Age of Steam Museum up to Garland each July for "Garland's Star Spangled
4th Celebration".
James was a member of several railroad historical societies and enjoyed
attending annual conventions whenever he could. He attended the joint
BRHS-RITS national convention held in Fort Worth back in 2000 and last
attended the RITS 2003 convention at OKC. Unfortunately, it was at OKC that
he first confided to me that he had only recently learned that he had an
aggressive form of cancer.
James is also well known for publishing his caboose book which was one of,
if not the first book ever done on this topic. Other printed works included
his diesel roster and maintenance-of-way book.
One of the things that James will forever be remembered for is his excellent
photography work which earned him countless awards and honors at railroad
conventions and train shows. Not only did he take excellent 35mm color
slides, he also managed to shoot a fair share of Super-8mm with sound movies
of trains in the Chicago area. His photography work was so much above the
average railfan that it was almost guaranteed that James Bradley would walk
away with the first place honors at every RITS or KRHS convention he
James also liked to chase steam. One such trip was to St. Louis in 1990 when
he and Rodney Fraser teamed up to chase the 1522 across the rugged Ozarks,
as well as the UP 844 on its trip up into central Illinois.
A funeral service was scheduled for Saturday, June 4.
James will be missed by all who knew him.
Steve Goen
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