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Photo of the Month: December 2005

I'm a firm believer in waiting until the month of
December begins before putting up Christmas decorations.
While malls, grocery stores, and the like usually
start rolling out the Christmas stuff sometime between
Labor Day and Halloween, the Carr family's collection of
festive decorations always
remains stashed away in the same place
where it has been since the
beginning of January: in the closet under our stairs.
Even when December begins, it's hard to get into
the Christmas spirit on those days here in north Texas
when the skies are clear, the grass is green,
and the temperatures reach
into the 70s!
December 15, 2002 was just such a day. The kids joined
me for a short drive over to the Ft. Worth &
Western's crossing of the Trinity River south of
the Fort Worth Stockyards. Pictured above, Fort Worth
& Western 4-6-0 # 2248 (now owned by the
Grapevine Vintage Railroad) displays a Christmas
wreath on its smokebox as it leads the southbound
Trinity River Run across the river.
I wish everyone who visiting the Southwest Railfan site
a safe and happy Holiday Season. And here's hoping
that you discover the Holiday Spirit, just as I
eventually do each December (admittedly though,
sometimes not until the 23rd or 24th...)
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