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Photo of the Month: September 2005

I prefer shooting and viewing "action" shots over roster views, but every so
often I'll find the perfect subject for a roster shot. Such was the case on September 1,
1998, when I caught BNSF 4828 on the point of northbound Z ALTWSP stopped on the Fort Worth
Subdivision at Metro, Texas.
Hampered by a power shortage amidst growing post-merger traffic volumes, BNSF decided
in early and mid-1998
to expedite the delivery of new locomotives by pressing them into service as soon as
they left the paint shop -- without taking the extra time to apply yellow reflective
striping, nose logos, or the large "BNSF" lettering on the locomotive sides.
Months later, as the locomotives made their way through the shops for routine
maintenance, the railroad applied the missing items to bring them
"up to code". But for several months in 1998, these unstriped, unlettered locomotives
surely made for some interesting train watching... definitely worthwhile
roster shot material... if you were lucky enough to get a front-uncoupled
view of one in good light.
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