This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/southwestshorts.
The Railfan Experience
(a sub-site of the Southwest Railfan)
Pacing a westbound on the Sunset Route, between Deming and Lordsburg, NM. March 2003.
Welcome to "The Railfan Experience", a sub-site of
The Southwest Railfan. This page contains links to
stories and photos relating not so much to locomotives, equipment, or paint schemes;
but to the actual experience of getting out to chase and photograph trains.
Choose a link from the list below, and enjoy!
Differing perspectives
(2 images - added June 10, 2007)
Standing in my own footsteps
(2 images - added June 9, 2007)
Flag Day
(1 image - added June 14, 2005)
When the Real World comes calling
(2 images - added April 1, 2005)
While y'all were at Winterail
(8 images - added March 16, 2005)
Is the magic still there?
(1 image - added March 10, 2005)
When the train doesn't come - # 1
(6 images - added February 22, 2005)
Neighborhood excitement
(8 images - added February 22, 2005)
Return to the Southwest Railfan - home
All text and photos on the Southwest Railfan © 2000 - 2007 by Wes Carr.
All rights reserved.