About the Museum
- They have a massive collection of over 140 peices of rolling stock, including 33 steam locomotives, which is the largest collection in North America. They have examples of most types of steam locos.
Also, in the collection of 27 diesel/internal combustion locos, they have Sabine River & Northern #408, a EMC model NC switcher, built in 1937. This is the only EMC switcher to retain its Winton 201-A diesel engine.
Another interesting loco is the Army gas-turbine-mechanical, which is in the configuration of a industrial switcher. The NMOT also has the ONLY SURVIVING MILWAUKEE ROAD BI-POLAR ELECTRIC, which is dressed in the MILW passenger scheme.
- On most days, hourly tours of the entire Museum, and tours of restored passenger equipment are given.
- On most weekends and during special events, streetcar/trolly rides are given on the museum's stretch of electrified track. Also, on special event days only, a shuttle is provided to and from the lower parking lot with a restored 1930's-era double-decker bus.
- Other exhibits that might interest you are the automoblie garage, which chronicles road transport development from the horse-and-carriage to the modern car. Also, at the main enterance you will notice a C-47 "Gooney Bird" airplane, and the H.T. Pott, which was the first all-welded, steel hull tow boat on the Missouri River.
- There are plenty of things for the kids (that you may or may not have to drag along) to do as well. Most days miniature train rides are given on "Travis" the train. On most weekends, rides on a miniature fire truck are given as well.
- In the gift shop, train videos, railroad memorabilia, and toys for the kids are sold.
CLICK HERE for business hours, and admission fee information.
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 Donated MRS ALCO S-2 #211.
 Erie-Lackawanna SD45 #3607 wearing a fresh coat of paint.