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 TGV System Maps

TGVweb > TGV Lines (LGV) > Maps & Statistics

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This page contains information and charts about the TGV system and areas served by TGV trains (including Thalys and Eurostar). You can skip directly to:

1. Maps and Schematics

1.1 High Speed Lines. This is a geographic map of France showing all the lines used by TGV trains. The solid colored segments are dedicated LGV (Ligne à Grande Vitesse, or high speed lines) in service today. The dotted colored lines are high speed lines that have been financed or are under construction as of 1999. The black lines are standard tracks, on which TGV trains operate in mixed traffic at speeds ranging between 160 km/h and 220 km/h. Note on this map that only about 25% of the total trackage covered by TGV service is on dedicated high speed lines. Key cities and line opening dates are indicated on the map; the color coding is similar to the maps below. Click for full size

1.2 European TGV Network. This schematic map shows all high speed lines used by TGV trains (including Thalys and Eurostar service). It includes junction names, key kilometer points and high speed line opening dates. The map is not to scale. For detail in the Paris area, see below. Click for full size

1.3 Paris Area Map. This schematic shows the configuration of TGV lines around Paris, as of 1999. It includes junction names, key kilometer points and high speed line opening dates. The map is not to scale. Click for full size

1.4 Travel Times from Paris, 1999. This color contour map of France shows best scheduled travel times from Paris, in hours, as of mid 1999. Black dots represent cities with TGV / Thalys / Eurostar service. Contour colors are valid at these cities only. If necessary, refer to an atlas to identify cities. Click for full size

1.5 Travel Times from Paris, 2001. This color contour map of France shows best scheduled travel times from Paris, in hours, as of June 2001 with the LGV Méditerranée opened. Black dots represent cities with TGV / Thalys / Eurostar service. Contour colors are valid at these cities only. If necessary, refer to an atlas to identify cities. Click for full size

1.6 LGV PSE Profile. This is a Paris-Lyon profile comparison between the old PLM line and the new LGV PSE high speed line. The dramatic grades made possible by high speeds make the line shorter and straighter and also make tunnels unnecessary. Click for full size

1.7 1989-1990 Record Runs. This map shows a detail of the LGV Atlantique, where the speed record test runs were carried out from late 1989 to mid-1990. Click for full size

2. Facts and Figures

Below are some key figures on each of the high speed lines. Any future construction is never assured until ground is actually broken. In the current cost-cutting political environment, the planned lines are subject to a slowdown in heavy government investment. SNCF's "schema directeur" which once called for over a dozen new TGV projects around France has been considerably reduced.

2.1 Existing Ligne à Grande Vitesse (LGV). This category includes purpose-built high speed lines in France and neighboring countries that have TGV service from France. High speed lines outside of France but without TGV service are not included.

2.2 Planned French LGVs. This category includes purpose-built high speed lines to be built within France. As of 1999 none of these lines are yet under construction.

2.3 Planned International Links (with TGV service from France). This category includes purpose-built high speed lines to be built outside of France. As of 1999 none of these lines are yet under construction.

2.1 Existing LGVs

This category includes purpose-built high speed lines in France and neighboring countries that have TGV service from France. High speed lines outside of France but without TGV service are not included.

2.1.1 LGV PSE (Paris Sud-Est)

2.1.2 LGV AT (Atlantique)

2.1.3 LGV NE (Nord-Europe)

2.1.4 LGV RA (Rhône-Alpes)

2.1.5 LGV MED (Méditerranée)

2.1.6 LGV Belgium, L.1

2.1.7 LGV Belgium, L.2

2.1.8 HSL Zuid (the Netherlands)

2.1.9 Channel Tunnel Rail Link (United Kingdom)

2.2 Planned French LGVs

This category includes purpose-built high speed lines yet to be built within France. As of 1999 none of these lines are under construction.

2.2.1 LGV Est

2.2.2 LGV Aquitaine

2.2.3 LGV Rhin - Rhône

2.3 Planned International Links

This category includes purpose-built high speed lines to be built outside of France. As of 1999 none of these lines are yet under construction.

2.3.2 Perpignan - Barcelona (Spain)

340 km, planned operning 2006?, includes the new Perthus Tunnel under the Pyrenées. 300 km/h operation by TGV, AVE and TALGO trains.

2.3.3 Lyon - Torino (Italy)

251 km, planned opening 2010?, includes a new 50 km tunnel under the Alps. 300 km/h operation by TGV and ETR trains.

Last Update April 2001

TGVweb > TGV Lines (LGV) > Maps & Statistics

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