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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/tomfassett.
What's New...
Although I tend to update pages faster than I can
document the changes, I am attempting to keep a running
list of updates (at least for the major additions).
As seems to be the standard policy, this list builds from
the top with the most recent dates first, followed by a
link to the appropriate page.
Tom Fassett |
October 01, 2006 |
I think I got
most of the links to the rolling stock pages fixed.
I added a lot of Southern Pacific rolling stock pictures,
especially to the hopper, gondola and boxcar pages. I
have a couple hundred more SP boxcars to get posted then
I will start on other roads.I have started re-scanning many of the SP
locomotive photos and reducing the vertical size to save
space. Also, since I cannot get any more space on
Trainweb, I have begun moving a lot of the photo indexes
elsewhere. If you find a broken link, let me know... ;- )
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All images on this site
are the property of Tom Fassett unless otherwise noted
and should not be used
without permission
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