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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/tomfassett.

SUBJECTS            I have grand ideas for my rail fanning pages which is why they have taken so long to get created...   :- )  In the meantime, I will scale back my plans to begin to get something up in this category.  My vision is to include any information I have gained from my exploits and travels to give others an idea of where the "good" spots are.  There are some fairly good inclusions on the web already and I will waive my personal rules of including only my own "stuff" on my website to make this section as usable as possible.  To me, there are few things more frustrating than having limited time in a place I wish to take pictures and not knowing where to get the most for my time.  I have often spent much of a day in one location only to discover that I was a couple of miles from all the action!  So, for those who are interested, I will catalogue my experiences here so others may profit from my mistakes...  I will also include links to other sites which I believe contribute to the same ideals these pages are based upon.

                                                       Tom Fassett
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All images on this site are the property of Tom Fassett unless otherwise noted
and should not be used without permission


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