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Railroad Reading


These are articles, advertisements, etc,  taken from old newspapers, magazines and other periodicals concerning the railroad industry.  Most of the articles here are about railroads in the US.  I have created an "easy to read" page, with a link to the original scanned article.  To see the entire article, just click on the graphic to the left.

          Tom Fassett

The Breaking Point "The Breaking Point"
Time Magazine

Dec. 31, 1945

This is an article about some of the problems railroads were having to deal with at the holiday season of 1945.  Between the returning soldiers from the WWII Pacific Theater and some terrible weather, the railroad system in America was severely strained.

"Pullman Sold"
Time Magazine

Dec. 31, 1945

This is an article about the sale of the The Pullman sleeping car company and the disagreement between the courts and the Justice department as to who should be able to buy it.

"Why Shouldn't America Have Through Sleeping Car Service from Coast to Coast"
Time Magazine

Dec. 10, 1945

This was an ad taken out by the Chesapeake & Ohio and Nickel Plate railroads as a "pre-emptive" strike in their attempt to gain support for their bid to buy the Pullman Sleeping Car Company, and/or to provide coast to coast sleeper car services in case their bid for Pullman failed (which it did a couple weeks later).  See the previous article for more details.


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All images are the property of Tom Fassett unless otherwise noted
and should not be used without permission


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