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Main line overall length: 357 miles; Northern Land Company Ltd. branch total length: 37 miles; Branch from Emeril (MP 225) and Schefferville (MP 357) solfd to Tshiuetin Rail Transport in 2005. Number of sidings: 27; Number of tunnels: 2; Number of bridges: 9.
Protection systems: 11 hot box detectors; 31 dragging equipment detectors; 1 wheel impact and load detection system; 1 stiff truck detector; 1 track geometry car; Ultrasonic rail testing; Hot wheel detectors; Automatic identification car system; Proximity warning - anti-collision systems
Maximum altitude: 2,066 ft. at mile 149.
Train length: Variable, from 150 to 265 cars (9,757 ft. max.), hauling up to 24,000 tonnes of ore.
Speed: 35 mph (loaded), 40 mph (empty).
Fleet: 36 locomotives (DASH-9, DASH-8, SD40-2); 5 switching locomotives (GP38); 6 rail diesel cars; 1300 ore cars.
Departments: Transportation and Traffic Maintenance of Way Maintenance of Equipment Quality Assurance and Services Terminal
Passenger/freight trains between Sept-Iles, Labrador City/Wabush and Schefferville. Hauled tonnage in 1996: IOC ore: 14.5 million tonnes. Wabush ore: 5.7 million tonnes. Freight: 0.8 million tonnes.
Junctions with other railroads: Arnaud Ry: Arnaud Jct, PQ Wabush Lake Ry: Wabush Lake Jct, NF Tshiuetin Rail Transport: Emeril Yard, NF
Radio frequencies: 160.215
History: Line from Sept-Iles to Schefferville built between 1951 and 1954.
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