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I really don't know why I have these things. I was into collecting Athearn at the time, and I thought an RDC would round out the collection. The trailing unit is a dummy, and I bought it on sale at one of the local hobby shops. The lead unit I got from a friend, and when I looked at the innards I could see why he wanted to get rid of it. The drive train was in pieces and needed a new set of rubber bands and a screw to hold one of the trucks in place. I could have fixed the drivetrain, but when I saw the old Jet 400 motor I said no thanks. The lead unit is now a dummy too, and both units have been demoted to static display. If I do run them I stick them behind a yard switcher and let them do a few laps around the layout. They look goofy going around eighteen inch radius curves. I'm not sure if I decorated them properly because I've seen very few pictures of CN RDCs. Oh well, I think they look good just the same.
Detail Parts
(both units):
by Eric H34 VIA F40PH & CPR Budd Cars Horns
C-D-S Lettering
HO-72 CN steel caboose - modern 'CN' logo, c. 1965 (wet noodles only)
C-D-S Lettering
HO-437 Railiners - green/imitation gold ends, c. 1952