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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/ttos-pnw.
You will need Acrobat Reader to print these forms.
Application for Membership in the Pacific Northwest Division of the Toy Train Operating Society Current Pacific Northwest Division dues are $15 per year, per person. If you would like to join, please print out this application and send it to the current Secretary/Treasurer.
Tax Deduction Form for Items and Cash Donated to the Club TTOS accepts donations of track, scenery items, and building materials for use in the Aloha Clubhouse construction project. If you would like to donate items, please contact the current Division President for a complete listing of current needs. The Division also accepts donations of cash, model train items and collectibles for use as club door prizes. If you would like to donate any of these items, please contact any officer. ALL donated materials are tax deductible (even cash). If you have donated any materials, and would like to claim your IRS deduction, print out our Tax Deduction form and fill it in with the appropriate information.
Current PNW Division Member Dues Payment Form Members dues are due by January 31st of each year, regardless of whether you have received a reminder. The Division currently goes to great expense to continue sending Waybills to members who have chosen not to renew, so the payment deadline is now being enforced. If you have lost your renewal form, here is one to print out and send in to the Secretary/Treasurer. Also, any delay in updating your membership delays the publication of the yearly Division Roster, so please remember to make your payment on time!
TTOS PNW Division Elections Nomination Form Elections are held for official posts within the Division on a yearly basis. Any member in good standing can run for office, or nominate another member for office. Nominations can be submitted anytime, but generally are sought in September. Elections are held in November, with a ballot in that month's Waybill. Results of the election are decided at the December Christmas Banquet Business Meeting. Your participation in the Nominations Committee is encouraged. To take part in the process, or submit a completed nominations form, contact the Secretary/Treasurer.
TTOS National Membership Application
Membership in TTOS National is required prior to requesting local Division membership. Currently, National dues are $22 per year, which includes both the Order Board and The Bulletin publications. For your convenience, you can download the form here, and send it to the National Division at the same time you request your Pacific Northwest Division membership.
TTOS Rosters are available to current TTOS Division members only.
Support this website by joining the Silver Rails TrainWeb Club for as little as $1 per month.
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