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Modified Refurbished 1967 Tube Stock Photos
Fig. 1: Exterior of Refurbished 1967 Tube Stock
Driving Car at Ealing Common
This photo shows the exterior of
a 1967 Tube Stock driving car at Ealing Common Depot in 2002. The train was being
used for engineering tests. The train has been fitted with inter-car barriers in an
attempt to reduce the instances of persons (usually drunk) falling between the cars.
Photo by District Dave.
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Fig. 2: Cab Front of
Refurbished 1967 Tube Stock Driving Car

This is the refurbished cab front of a 1967 Tube
Stock driving car at Ealing Common Depot in 2002. A few modifications have appeared
since the trains were built, principally, the addition of a train radio aerial near the
top of the cab door and a handrail under the offside cab window. Below that window
is a hinged footstep, shown in the raised position.
The handrail and footstep have been provided to
allow drivers to get in and out of the cab without going back into the passenger saloon.
This is a particular problem because there are no side cab doors and the saloon can
often be crowded with passengers. Both the 1967 and 1972 Stocks suffer from this
problem. Photo by District Dave.
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This page updated 15 August 2002
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