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Photo - District Railway G Stock Car Front

The trailing end of a District
Railway G Stock driving motor (DM) car as delivered in 1924 showing the original
arrangement of the couplings. The main and train line hoses are under the
coupler. Under each side of the headstock there is a set of power busline, control
and lighting control jumper sockets.
Because of this arrangement
District cars were not "handed" at this time like tube cars and could couple
either way round. This arrangement only lasted a few more years. New stock
delivered in 1927 had tube style "handing" and air hoses were mounted on the
waist panels.
Note the leather covered
safety chains on the body corner. These were hooked over the gap between cars.
They were not used after 1927.
The only difference between
this and earlier cars, as far as coupling was concerned, was the movement of the lighting
control cable from roof level to below the headstock. A connector is provided on
this stock over the end door to allow it to coupler to older cars.
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This page updated 15 August 2002
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