Model Railroad Decals

These images may be used to decorate railroad models
for your home or club layout and they may be distributed to others.
Commercial users are asked to contact
us for permission. Please download these heralds and car decals
by right clicking on the image. Follow the directions for "save as..."
that will appear in the pop-up box. A detailed discussion of copying
artwork to blank decal paper appears on our decal
Cars These are complete lettering sets
for our HO and O scale refrigerator cars. While we are not purists
and feel you should paint your car(s) with the colors you like, we have
painted ours with reefer orange sides (approximately equal parts of reefer
yellow and reefer orange), boscar red ends and roof, and black underframe,
trucks, and hardware. White paint spot color under the heralds and
cow logo makes for a surprisingly elaborate-looking lettereing scheme.
We have only used this artwork on wooden cars of all eras but see no reason
they couldn't be applied to the more modern steel sided ice-cooled car.
The lettering styles are probably too old for use on mechanical reefers.
Artwork for fictitious railrods used on our home layouts and those
of friends. You are on your own as to lettering and paint designs,
but feel free to contact us for
our suggestions.
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