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Along The Corn Belt Route
The following images are a few I
found in a photo album that had been mis-placed for several years.

This image is from a 1914 post card showing the
Chicago Great Western Railroad bridge over what was to become Highway
14 in Dodge Center, MN.

The Continental Grain elevator is immediately behind the former CGW
Depot in Redwing, Mn. It would lead one to beleive that this
company was served by the railroad when it was active.
Red Wing Malting Company plant was located south of the Red Wing
pottery and west of the CGW track that extended to the depot.
I was there in the summer of 1993, and went back in the fall
to take additional pictures, but it was gone by then.

Two shots of the grain elevator in Randolf, Mn circa 1993.
The next time I passed that way it was gone.
Randolf, Randolf, Mn circa 1993.
The former Hotel in
Stanton, Mn circa 1993.
The former United States
Post Office in Stanton, Mn circa 1993.
small WM&P trestle about 1/2 mile east of Northfield, MN circa
former WM&P trestle (now a bike path) in Faribault, MN circa
GTA Feed Seed and Fertilizer elevator, Watertown, MN circa 1994.
In 1993, I
was suprised to see the CGW freighthouse in Minneapolis.
The CGW lift bridge over the
Mississippi in 1993.
The US Post Office in Taopi,
MN in 1993.
The CGW Office
Building and Yard Tower in Oelwein, Iowa in 1994.
Yard Tower
in Oelwein, Iowa in 1994.
The CGW Ice
House in
Oelwein, Iowa in 1994.
Another view of the CGW Ice
House in Oelwein, Iowa in 1994.
The CGW sand
tower in
Oelwein, Iowa in 1994.
The Bolton, Ill elevator
is burned by the Shannon, Ill fire department. In 1971
On the CGW Rail Route, this
is/was in between Pearl City and South Freeport Stops. You can
see it on Google Earth (just do a search using Bolton, IL in the
program) with the rail line's impression in the land still. The
stop is also listed in the 1952 CGW timetable I found online.
Bolton is a small enclave of homes (50-100 or so people)...The hamlet
is named after my Great, Great, Great Grandfather, Devilia
Bolton. Courtesy of Mark Hayden
Copyright 2008
Tom Tolstead
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