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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/utahrails.

Name: Jim Harrawood
Born: April 1942
Place: Southern California
Died: January 2006.
Place: Draper, Utah
Raised: Grand Junction, Colorado
Marital Status: Married and divorced twice
Children: One daughter .
Lives in Southern California and continues this website.
Grandchildren: One grandson
Education: Associate Degree in Nuclear Engineering
Military: U.S. Navy, seven years, MM1(SS). USS Tecumseh, SSBN 628 and USS Sculpin, SSN 590.
Nuclear Power Plant Operator. Viet Nam Service Medal.
Veterans of Foreign Wars. Life member, Past Post Commander.
Military Order of the Cooties. Life Member, Past Hide Gimlet.
American Legion, Past 2nd Vice Commander.
Employment: Retired Volvo Master Technician
Interests: Trains, computers, cars and guns

Utah Rails Home Page

Last Update 01/10/2007

This page and its underlying code, © 2000-2007, Jim Harrawood. All rights reserved.

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