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Remnants of the Rio Grande, 2

The rest of the day was spent chasing trains on the climb to Soldier Summit.

Eastbound BNSF run-through train at Castle Gate, UT 08/18/00.

Eastbound BNSF run-through train at Castle Gate, UT 08/18/00

Great shots, great light (till the thunderstorms come over the summit late in the afternoons) and enough action- especially when I chased it.

UP's MDVRO (Manifest-Denver to Roper Yd) near Nolan's Point, UT 08/18/00.

UP's MDVRO (Manifest-Denver to Roper Yd) near Nolan's  Point, UT 08/18/00

Eastbound BNSF run-through; Nolan's Point, UT 08/18/00.

Eastbound BNSF run-through; Nolan's Point, UT 08/18/00

Afternoon light was spectacular on the yard in Helper as well.

D&RGW 5385 at rest in Helper, UT 08/18/00.

D&RGW 5385 at rest in Helper, UT 08/18/00

Utah Railway eastbound empties; Castle Gate, UT 08/18/00.

Utah Railway eastbound empties; Castle Gate, UT 08/18/00

Utah Railway train approaching Martin Yard 08/18/00.

Utah Railway train approaching Martin Yard 08/18/00

At the end of the day, I watched a crew assemble 6 T-2's and splice them into an 85-car westbound coal drag. I chased it west till a thunderstorm hit at dusk up at Colton, and I went to bed tired but happy.





Utah Rails Home Page

Last Update 01/28/01

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