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4L List The 4L List, The Loyal Legion of Logged-on Loggers; dedicated to the dissemination of information regarding logging prototypes and models. We cover all aspects of the industry, from actual logging, to sawmilling and their attendant railroads; in other words, anything of interest to logging fans.
This is a list for hobbyist railroad/trolley web site makers. It is for those railfans who create their own online web sites to show their rail pics.
Colorado Midland For those interested in the historical and/or modeling aspects of the Colorado Midland Railroad/Railway, Midland Terminal Railroad, Florence & Cripple Creek Railroad and Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek Railroad.
Colorado-Railfan This group deals with questions, sightings, photo locations, etc. for railfans of Colorado railroads, whether class I, II or III in any location of the state.
CompuRail The objective of this group is to discuss ways to get the most out of computers in regards to the model railroading hobby and anything else related to model railroad computing.
Denver & Rio Grande Western Devoted to the discussion of the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad (and its predecessors) and to current operations on former Rio Grande trackage.
Digitrax Users Group Digitrax Users Group Chat List is for end users of Digitrax Digital Command Control (DCC) systems for model railroads.
Friends Helping Friends. That is our fundamental guideline. The List is for discussions, providing help and assistance on the use and installation of Digitrax products and other DCC components that interface with Digitrax equipment.
Espee Forever Group The purpose of this group is to talk about the SPRR or in short "ESPEE 4EVER!"
Gunnison This is a list concerning the Gunnison (Colorado) country and the railroads, both real and planned that served the area. Topics will relate to the history of the area, the railroads, models of the area, plans, what could have beens and what might have beens. There will be some interest in mining and other businesses in the area and environmental concerns as well.
Handlaid Track A forum for discussing handlaying track in all scales. Bring your questions about everything from 56.5" gauge to Zn3. Moderator handlays in N and Nn3 code 40.
HOn3 Group HO scale modeling of 3 foot narrow gauge rr's. An information exchange of ideas, tips and help between members to help make HOn3 narrow gauge modeling fun and easy.
LocoNotes News and information about diesel railroad locomotives. We support Diesel Era and Extra 2200 South.
ModelersCad Welcome to the future of computer aided model building. This list is for anyone that ever thought of blending model building and cad/vector.
NWNG-Sn3 Group To share model railroading techniques and projects, exchange prototype information, and general comraderie. Focused on S narrow gauge, but all are welcome.
Narrow Gauge Operations Group Open to discussion about anything to to do with narrow gauge operations. Prototype, historic, model railroad ext. Discussions should focuse on the narrow gague, but shortlines are included. Any model railroad shortline or narrowgauge is operations.
Nn3 Group This is the home list of the N-Scale Narrow Gauge special interest group. In short form this is Nn3.
On3 Group This is a list for O Scale Narrow Gauge modelers who build to the three foot gauge in 1/4 inch scale. Open to all railroads western, eastern, and worldwide.
On30conspiracy The On30 Conspiracy was created by Bobber Gibbs in October, 1996 to promote model railroading in 1:48 scale on HO gauge tracks.
There are more members on the On30 Conspiracy than any other single list in HO, S, O or large scale, to my knowledge. Why? Because On30 is funner and members of this list are "just a little different" and not quite so serious.
Railroad Depots West Discussions concerning railroad depots West of the Mississippi including construction, current and past uses, restorations, remodeling, locations, disposition, and endangered status. In addition model railroaders are welcome to discuss modeling ideas.
Repower and Regear This group is for discussion of repowering and regearing model railroad locomotives. This group is also receptive to the discussion of DCC installations as pertains to locomotives. Modelers from all scales are welcome.
Rio Grande Southern This list is devoted to the discussion of the Rio Grande Southern Railroad. That discussion should be restricted to prototypical history and modeling the RGS.
Sn3 Group Sn3 Model Railroading, 3 foot narrow gauge railroads, both real and 1/64 scale, are the main focus. Also included are info about products, 'how-to', mutual help and general comraderie.
Silverton Group This list will be for the discussion of and sharing information for the railroads that served Silverton Colorado (Silverton Northern, Silverton, Gladstone & Northerly, the Silverton Railroad and the Denver & Rio Grande/ Denver & Rio Grande Western/Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge).
Slimrails Group A list to discuss narrow gauge railroad topics. The list is geared more toward the historical than the model side of the hobby. narrow gauge railroads from around the world are discussed, along with the "might have beens", tourist railroads, museums, locomotive manufacturers, car builders, etc.
TOC Narrow Gauge Narrow Gauge Turn Of The Century Model Railroading! The TOCng (Turn Of the Century Narrow Gauge) email group is primarily for model railroaders that have an interest in narrow gauge lines during, before, or near the 1900's.
Union Pacific Group This list is for discussion and info on the Union Pacific Railroad, its history, modern operations, and its many locomotives.
UP Locomotives UP locomotives is a place to discuss and share information on all aspects of modern Union Pacific locomotives and related subjects, including locomotives of recent merger partners SP and CNW, and lease fleet locomotives operated by UP.
Utah Railroading This Group is dedicated to anything relating to railroading in in the State Of Utah (USA). Information and questions are welcome as well as stories of interest.

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Last Update 04/03/05

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