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Four new railroads and one trolley are being considered in the state. One from Salina to Levan, another from the Uintah Basin to Rifle, CO, and the Emery County CV Stub project. These three will more than likely be Common Carrier lines. The fourth is the privately owned Great Salt Lake & Southern RR in the North Western part of the state.

Because state officials have been working on the first three routes, much information about railroad financing and building has been collected. The three rail proposals are being packaged as the Intermountain Railroad Project.

In addition, the United States Department of Transportation announced in July that it will provide up to $43.5 billion in loans and loan guarantees for projects benefiting short-line and regional railroads. No decisions have been made regarding who would build or own the railroad.

CV Spur

Great Salt Lake & Southern RR

Salina to Levan

SugarHouse Trolley

Uintah Basin to Rifle, CO

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Last Update 07/14/04

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