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Day 1, Friday, 12/15/00

Like usual, I gassed up in Draper and headed south on I 15. The weather was not looking good. The main reason for this trip was to meet up with some friends in Helper and maybe get some good pictures. Turned off of I 15 in Spanish Fork and headed up US 6. It was starting to snow. I wonder what the weather is going to do? I still have 3000' to climb to get to the top of the hill. The farther up the hill I went, the harder it was snowing. Caught a westbound BNSF "M" at Narrows. No way to stop or get a picture. Just lucky the snow was not starting to stick yet.

Pulled off the road at the Tucker rest stop for some relief. Starting to leave when I heard somthing. Well, what do we have here. Must be a westbound coal train. Snowing too hard to get a picture. Left Tucker and headed on up the hill. The snow was starting to stick to the road and was turning into slush. Made it to the top and the snow was tapering off. There was a good 10 to 15 inches on the ground and no place to stop or turn off all the way down the hill. I caught one more UP coal train and a UTAH RY coal with three MK5000C's on the point.

Still snowing as I pulled into Helper so decided to go on to Price. Checked into the National 9 Inn (1-435-637-7000), unpacked and decided to check out the CV Spur. Nothing going on. The sun was shining in Price by then, so decided to head back up to Helper. Guess what? Still snowing in Helper. As I didn't get started from home until noon, I said the heck with it and called it a day. No pictures. Saturday is going to be a good day, I hope. The Weather Man said so.

Day 2

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Last Update 01/28/01

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