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UP Roster Changes for June 2004

SD70M Deliveries (33 units):
3783, 3787, 3790-3792, 3794-3803, 3808, 3810, 3811, 3813, 3815, 3822 (21 from London)
3823-3833, 3835 (12 from Bombardier Mexico)

CCRCL Additions (11 units) [some missed the May report]:
-- this process also involves a model change from Retired Freight or Freight to Switch
UPY 158 from SP 7805 (B30-7B) on 5/27/04 - Retired Freight to Switch
UPY 159 from SP 7795 (B30-7B) on 6/1/04 - Retired Freight to Switch
UPY 160 from UP 253 (B30-7A) on 6/1/04 - Freight to Switch
UPY 161 from UP 251 (B30-7A) on 5/29/04 - Retired Freight to Switch
UPY 162 from SP 5107 (B23-7) on 5/29/04 - Retired Freight to Switch
UPY 163 from SP 7783 (B30-7) on 6/14/04 - Freight to Switch
UPY 164 from UP 259 (B30-7A) on 6/16/04 - Retired Freight to Switch
UPY 165 from UP 141 (B23-7) on 6/21/04 - Retired Freight to Switch
UPY 166 from UP 7745 (B30-7) on 6/21/04 - Retired Freight to Switch
UPY 167 from SP 7798 (B30-7) on 6/20/04 - Retired Freight to Switch
UPY 168 from SP 7819 (B30-7B) on 6/20/04 - Retired Freight to Switch

FAIX Peak Power Operating Lease (7 units):
LTEX SD40-2 3905, 3916, 8530, 8532, 8537, 8546, 8572
-- SD40-2 classification is what is given by UP, some units may be Tunnel Motors

GE Peak Power Operating Lease (5 units):
GECX SD40T-2 8312, 8355, 8556, 8663
GECX SD40-2 7320

LLP Peak Power Operating Lease (12 units):
LLPX GP38-2 2230, 2260, 2263, 2273, 2321, 2323, 2325, 2327, 2331, 2334, 2339, 2340

Model Change - C44AC to C44ACCTE (29 units upgraded):
UP 6551, 6574, 6586, 6595, 6601, 6603, 6616, 6630, 6633, 6641, 6647, 6649, 6650, 6657, 6664, 6674, 6678, 6679, 6682, 6686, 6687, 7002, 7009, 7083, 7084, 7090, 7095, 7098, 7099

Deletions (None):

Renumbers (35 units):
CEFX 3182 (SD40-2), renumbered from CEFX 7113 on 6/8/04 (Note 1)
UP 340 (GP38-2), renumbered from UP 1840 on 6/30/04
UP 1082 (GP38-2), renumbered from UP 2582 on 6/29/04
UP 1659 (GP50), renumbered from UP 5559 on 6/29/04
UP 1660 (GP50), renumbered from UP 5560 on 6/22/04
UP 1818 (B40-8), renumbered from UP 5627 on 6/6/04
UP 1831 (B40-8), renumbered from UP 5640 on 6/17/04
UP 2267 (SD60M), renumbered from UP 6112 on 6/12/04
UP 3277 (SD40-2), renumbered from UP 3807 on 6/23/04
UP 6184 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 136 on 6/22/04
UP 6218 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 171 on 6/19/04
UP 6230 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 150 on 6/24/04 (Note 2)
UP 6243 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 195 on 6/22/04 (Note 3)
UP 6273 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 226 on 6/9/04 (Note 4)
UP 6292 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 246 on 6/7/04
UP 6294 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 241 on 6/5/04
UP 6295 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 218 on 6/10/04 (Note 5)
UP 6321 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 277 on 6/21/04 (Note 6)
UP 6322 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 299 on 6/21/04 (Note 7)
UP 6345 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 296 on 6/3/04 (Note 8)
UP 6362 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 310 on 6/3/04 (Note 9)
UP 6373 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 276 on 6/24/04 (Note 10)
UP 6379 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 333 on 6/18/04
UP 6394 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 348 on 6/25/04
UP 6407 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 361 on 6/29/04
UP 6413 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 367 on 6/29/04
UP 6415 (C44AC), renumbered from SP 369 on 6/11/04
UPY 659 (GP15-1), renumbered from UP 1659 on 6/14/04
UPY 660 (GP15-1), renumbered from UP 1660 on 6/10/04
UPY 3831 (SD40-2), renumbered from UP 3831 on 6/3/04
WP 3808 (RSD40-2), renumbered from UP 3808 on 6/1/04
WP 3832 (RSD40-2), renumbered from UP 3832 on 6/4/04
WP 3834 (RSD40-2), renumbered from UP 3834 on 6/4/04
WP 3837 (RSD40-2), renumbered from UP 3837 on 6/24/04 (Note 11)
WP 5578 (RGP50), renumbered from UP 5578 on 6/24/04 (Note 11)

1. Renumbered by National Railway Equipment at Mount Vernon, Illinois.
2. Supposed to be renumbered to 6197 but that number was still active.
3. Supposed to be renumbered to 6242 but that number was still active.
4. Supposed to be renumbered to 6272 but that number was still active.
5. Supposed to be renumbered to 6265 but that number was still active.
6. Supposed to be renumbered to 6323 but that number was still active.
7. Supposed to be renumbered to 6345 but that number was still active.
8. Supposed to be renumbered to 6342 but that number was still active.
9. Supposed to be renumbered to 6356 but that number was still active
10. Supposed to be renumbered to 6322 but that number was still active
11. System change only.

UP roster changes 06/04 follow-up

The June report will likely lead to some questions. Of the three units renumbered from UP to WP reporting marks WP 3832 and WP 3834 were actually renumbered, while WP 3837 and WP 5578 were only changed in the computer.

UP 3831's move to UPY 3831 was not only to clear space for SD70Ms but also because UP has begun placing remote control equipped SD40-2s into the UPY's and then designating them as yard switchers. At this time there is no plan to convert these units to SD38-2s. There are plans for many others which include or will include:
UPY 3102, UPY 3106, UPY 3113, UPY 3114, UPY 3150, UPY 3183, UPY 3196, UPY 3361, UPY 3370, UPY 3421, UPY 3428, UPY 3475, UPY 3506, UPY 3522, UPY 3544, UPY 3579, UPY 3607, UPY 3673, UPY 3692, UPY 3744, UPY 3763.

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Last Update 07/11/04

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