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SP's General Repair and Improvement Program

The following information was supplied to Don Strack from Don Metzger, a former SP employee now with UP. He was an employee of the SP mechanical department and was part of the Sacramento rebuild program, and the dates are from his personal files.

SP's GRIP I, GRIP II and M-99 programs.

According to Richard Barnes and Tony Johnson in their SP roster in Bill Shippen's 1995 SP book, the 7400-class SD45Rs were rebuilt December 1979 (SP 7400) and September 1981 to September 1983 (SP 7401-7481).

The 7500-class SD45Rs were rebuilt in April 1984 to March 1986 (SP 7500-7566).

The 7300-class SD40Rs were rebuilt in June 1980 to August 1981 (SP 7300-7385).

SP 7399 (SD44R) was rebuilt in October 1981.

The SD45T-2R program was completed in April 1986 to December 1989 (SP 6767-6892).

An interesting side note here is that the folks in the SP mechanical department, and now the folks in UP's mechanical department, all use these railfan roster books as their sources of accurate information. None of them trust their own computer systems.

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Last Update 07/08/02

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