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UP 4841

Two UP SD70M 4841's were completed at London. The first one left the plant at the end of November. Unfortunately, its engine was damaged by freezing water during shipment. It was returned to London. To get a unit to the UP as quickly as possible a later production SD70M was numbered 4841 to cover for the first one and shipped to UP just before Christmas.

Now, here is where it gets interesting.

The first UP 4841 should be order number 20006271A-5, the second UP 4841 is 20006271A-20.

Full 20006271A numbers are:
20006271A-1-4, 6-13, 20 as UP 4837-4849.
20006271A-14-19 as FMO 1052-1057 (CVG Ferrominera Orinoco S.A.Venezuela).
20006271A-5, 21, 22 will become UP 3971-3973.

20006271A-14-22 started down the production line before there were actually any orders for them as "EMD stock units". FMO picked up six and 20-22 were completed as stock units before UP decided to pick them up.

The FMO order is, in some circles at EMD, referred to as order 20028458. This may or may not have been restamped on the builder's plate. This group really needs checking for this. The 20028458 was added after the order was placed as a means of clarifying the order from the UP order.

More notes. EMD apparently ground the frames on the two units so that the second 4841 would have the sequence number of -5 (instead of -20) and the first 4841 was re-frame numbered from -5 to -20.

Hope this clears things up....

From Sean Graham-White at LocoNotes.

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Last Update 02/21/03

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