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Russell History


Russell Car & Snow Plow Co.

Ridgway is the home of some of the largest manufacturing interests of the country, and among these we find the Russell Car & Sow Plow Company, whose plant is located near the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad, with which it is connected by switches.  This enterprise was originally established in 1893 under the firm name of J.H. & J.W. Russell, and its products were manufactured under patents owned by them.  In 1902 the present company was organized, and took over the plant.  The company was incorporated at the same time under the laws of the State of Maine, with a capital stock of $250,000.00.  The company manufactures snow plows and flangers for steam and electric railroads, also combination car with steel noses for electric railroads.  These are made in several sizes and styles to suit conditions where they are to be used, and now are in operation on more than fifty of the leading railroads throughout the snowbelts of the United States and Canada.  The plant is modern in architecture.  The main building is 74 x 400 feet in size.  The forging and machine shop is 100 x 130 feet.  This, with the boiler, engine house and yards and office cover several acres.  The buildings are built of brick and wood and each department is fitted with the latest improved and best machinery for iron, steel, and wood working.  Where the plows are in use they have given universal satisfaction.  They are in every respect of the highest standard, in material and workmanship and have no equal.  This, to a large extent, may be accounted for, from the fact that this is the only factory in the world that devotes its entire attention to the manufacture of snow fighting equipment that will fit all conditions.  The officers of the Russell Car & Snow Plow Company are well known Ridgway men, and are as follows:  President, Harry R. Hyde; Vice Prisident, J.K. Gardner; Secretary and Treasurer, Chas. E. Lockhart; General manager, John M. Flyn; Superintendent, P.G. Minier; Sales manager, M.S. Kline.  These gentlemen with the addition of P.R. Smith, consitute the board of directors.  They are men who hold large interests in the community and stand high in the manufacturing, commercial, and financial world. 

-This write up from The International, page 20. 
(Exact date unknown, presumed late 1890s, early 1900s) 
Elk County Historical Society Archives.  


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