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Pacific Northwest Passenger Rail
The Pacific Northwest. Home of Amtrak Cascades Service, and the first American-Built Euro-Style trains in the United States.
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of Pacific Northwest Passenger Rail
The Pacific Northwest Passenger Railroad List is for sharing information on passenger railroads in the Pacific Northwest Region of the United States. The geographic range is intended to focus on areas priminarily served by Amtrak Cascades Service.
Historical railroad operations in the same regional area are also welcome on this list.
The PNWPASSRail list "welcome message":
Welcome to the PNWPASSRail list.
The Pacific Northwest Passenger Railroad list is intended
to focus on Amtrak Cascades Service. This can mean services, equipment, stations, etc..... The emphasis can be historical, current, or anticipated.
Since PNWPASSRail is a moderated list, no messages will be transmitted until they are approved. No messages have been rejected so far, but anything smacking of "spam" certainly will be, and messages might be rejected based on
any criteria or even whim.
At this time, the list server is not set up to notify a sender of a rejected message, much less provide an explanation. Subject to time and energy constraints, I will try to do that by private
To unsubscribe from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at, and select the User Info link from the menu bar on the left. This menu will also let you change your subscription between digest mode
(multiple messages are grouped into one large message)
and normal mode.
Please keep all submitted posts on topic, and keep submissions to a small number. If you fail to do so, you may be unsubscribed from the list.
I welcome suggestions as to list management, but reserve the right to reject the democratic process.
Thank you,
Warren Yee
PNWPASSRail List Owner
In order to gather information for the
Washington Association of Rail Passengers web pages, I maintained a small private email list. Eventually, I decided to try doing this via a formal email list server,
and to open the list to others developing similar web resources, as well as anyone interested in contributing materials or receiving update news. This might be an experimental form someplace between a traditional moderated list and an announcement list.
One strong objective is to keep traffic down to a low enough level that no one need unsubscribe because they can't keep up. The PNWPASSRail list is an informal discussion list.
No characterizations of any specific individual still living may be posted without the approval of that individual.
The list owner may choose to reject a message for reasons not yet apparent in the list policies.
Messages will be either posted as submitted, or will be deleted, with no explanation to the sender. Messages can not be edited by the moderator. Contact the moderator if there is a question about nonappearance of messages.
Please remember that your message will not be sent until the moderator gets a chance to look at it, do not expect delay-free posting.
Suggestions as to the refinement of this description, as well as questions,
may be directed to the moderator of this list
Traffic on this list should remain small and manageable, but if you feel overwhelmed by the volume of mail from this or any email list, either choose "digest mode" to receive each day's messages bulked into one combined message, or explore using
email filtering to handle the traffic. By creating a separate mailbox for each list, the filtering on the message label (e.g. "[pnwpassrail]") to move message from that list to the appropriate mailbox, you can put the mail where it isn't cluttering
up one big inbox.

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Last Update: 01/04/00
Web Author: Warren Y. Yee

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