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Workshop - May 27, 1998New!Hot!

Outline for May 27th Workshop

Washington Association of Rail Passengers

Commuter Rail Section

Contact: Mike Skehan

Purpose: To provide Planners, Chambers, Downtown Associations, and Community Advisory Committee's with first hand information about the likely development opportunities resulting from a new commuter rail station being located in their community.

Title: Commuter Rail Development Workshop - "Lessons to be Learned from Experience"

When: May 27th, 1998 from 8:30am - 1:30pm

Where: Seattle WA., Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, 110 Union St., Suite 500

Who to Invite: Four or Five key persons from each of the commuter rail cities representing different groups (Lead Planner, Chamber Director/Designee, Downtown Association, Technical Advisory Committee, Section leads)


  1. Sounder - Betty Lars, Program Manager Product Development (now with Sound Transit) (confirmed)
  2. West Coast Express (Vancouver, BC) - Lecia Stewart (invited, not confirmed)
  3. MetroLink (Los Angeles) - Adrienne Brooks-Taylor, Director of Marketing (confirmed)
  4. Cal Train (San Francisco) - Jerry Kirzner, Executive Director (confirmed)


  1. Overview of 3 different commuter rail system "new starts" by speakers from each system, and a long-time commuter rail system for comparsion.
  2. Record of proceedings, from facilitator notes and audio of each breakout group (mailed)
  3. Handouts of case studies, literature, and contact lists for further discussion


    8:00 am Informal coffee and snacks

    8:30 am Welcome and Introductions of guest speakers (Mike Skehan)

    8:40 am Panel presentation by each presenter with an overview of the system, and it's effect on communities, both positive and negative. Specific examples should be given to prompt discussion within each breakout session (3) rotating speakers to each of group

    Short Break

    9:30 am 1st rotation of pairing each speaker, with on of 3 roundtable's (seating will ensure diversity of viewpoints and geography) i.e.: don't sit all the planners at the same table. Each table will have an easel and notetaker/facilitator.

    10:30 am 2nd Rotation of speakers to a different roundtable. Expected result is for the table to ask follow-up questions resulting from discussion of the 1st speaker, plus new perspectives brought by the speaker.

    11:30 am 3rd Rotation of speakers, same format

    Short Break

    12:45 pm Facilitators to give a 10 minute recap of the groups thoughts based upon the viewpoints of 3 different speakers.

    1:15 pm Remaining comments from the group at-large about their impressions of the workshop

    1:30 pm Closing Remarks. Thank you for participating, and hand-outs of reference materials to participants.


    • Record of proceedings will be prepared after the workshop and mailed to all participants, presentors, PSRC, APTA, and make available on WashARP'S home page for download.
    • It is expected we will incur about $500 to $1000 in expenses and expect to charge a nominal fee for participation and publications ($25-$35?) The room will hold 60 people, but expect the group to be about 35 to 45.
    • This is NOT a general audience workshop. It has a specific purpose, targeted to those members of the community that will ultimately make decicions on how commuter rail will be embraced by each.
    • It is our hope, that the sharing of information and experiences of others will promote a better functioning system. Lessons from experience is the best teacher.
    • The workshop is still in the planning stages, and your input and help will make the difference between success and failure.

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      Last Update: 05/18/98
      Web Author: Warren Y. Yee

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