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NARP Region VIII 2002 meeting pictures

NARP Region VIII Spring 2002 Meeting Photos at Embassy Suites, in Portland, OR.
Photographs taken by Warren Yee
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Meeting Room at Embassy Suites (historic hotel setting) and meeting participants eating. Over 160 people attended this event. |
First Keynote Speaker: Mr. William Greenwood, former COO Burlington Northern RR. |
Second Keynote Speaker: Hon. Brent Coles, Mayor of Boise, ID. |
Panel Discussion participants: Hon. Earl Blumenauer, US House Representative (D-OR); Greg Sinn, Talgo; George Chilson, NARP; Gil Mallery, Amtrak West. |
Panel Participants: George Chilson, NARP VP-West and Gil Mallery, Senior Vice President - Amtrak West. |
Panel Participant: Greg Sinn, Director of Operations, Talgo Rail. |
Exbibit: Oregon Department of Transportation Rail Office and Robert Krebs, rail office staff. |
Exhibit: Operation Lifesaver Booth. |
Exhibit: Portland Streetcar booth and model. |
NARP director (and WashARP/AORTA member) Stephanie Weber and WashARP member, John Detter talking. |
Some WashARP members headed back home on Train 754, after attending an excellent meeting in Portland (Tardy Coast Starlight in background). At Portland Union Station. |

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Last Update: 06/23/02
Web Author: Warren Y. Yee

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