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WashARP's Board of Directors and Officers
1998-2000 WashARP Officers and Board of Directors
(#) indicates email access. To send email to any of these members, please use the "send email" button on the bottom of this page, and Warren will forward the mail for you. Individual email addresses are no longer available on this page, because
of privacy and possible email spam reasons.
- (#)Lloyd Flem, Executive Director
- (#)Charles Mott, Board Chairman
- (#)Tony Trifiletti, President
- Jim Neal, Vice President - East
- (#)Dennis Fait, Vice President - West
- (#)Erik Griswold, Vice President - Commuter Rail/Transit
- (#)Hans Mueller, Treasurer
- (#)Mike Skehan, Secretary.
- (#)Jim Hamre, Print Newsletter Editor
- (#)Dale Menchhofer, Meeting Facilities Co-Planner (Unofficial)
- Jim Langston, Meeting Facilities Co-Planner (Unofficial)
- (#)Warren Yee, Media Relations, Internet Director (Unofficial) and Webmaster.
Other WashARP Directors: Elected as of February 11, 1998
- Stuart Adams
- (#)Ellen Barton.
- Hal Cooper Jr.
- John Dewhirst
- Noel Hancock - Also a member of Amtrak's Customer Advisory Committee.
- Walter Hazen
- Jim Holley
- Rob Morrison
- Roger Mumm
- Paul Scott
- Rocky Shay
- (#)Steve Spear
- Eleanor Stewart
- J. Craig Thrope
- (#)Stephanie Weber - Also the Transportation Chair of the Washington State League of Women Voters.
- Bill Weeks
- (#)Rob Whalen
1998-2000 NARP Region 8 Directors:
- Stuart Adams
- (#)Jim Hamre
- (#)Hans Mueller
- (#)Art Poole (At Large)
- Bill Weeks

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Last Update: 01/03/00
Web Author: Warren Y. Yee

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