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WashARP's Board of Directors and Officers
2002-2004 WashARP Officers and Board of Directors
(#) indicates email access. To send email to any of these members, please use the "send email" button on the bottom of this page, and Warren will forward the mail for you. Individual email addresses are no longer available on this page, because
of privacy and possible email spam reasons.
WashARP Officers:
- (#)Lloyd Flem, Executive Director
- (#)Charles Mott, Board Chairman
- (#)Tony Trifiletti, President
- (#)Jim Neal, Vice President - East
- (#)Jim Hamre, Vice President - West
- (#)John Carlin, Treasurer
- (#)Rocky Shay, Secretary
- (#)Jim Cusick, Chair - Rail Commuter Group Subcommittee
- (#)Jim Longley, Chair - Membership and Marketing Subcommittee
- (#)Pat Halstead, Chair - Government Affairs and Public Relations Subcommittee
- (#)John Carlin, Chair - Strategic Planning Subcommittee
WashARP Directors: 2003-2004 Board
- Stuart Adams
- (#) John Carlin
- (#) Jim Hamre
- Noel Hancock
- (#) Jim Longley
- (#) Charles Mott
- (#) Hans Mueller
- (#) Jim Neal
- (#) Paul Scott
- (#) Rocky Shay
- Eleanor Stewart
- (#) J. Craig Thrope
- (#) Tony Trifiletti
- (#) Warren Yee
2002-2004 NARP Region 8 Directors:
- Stuart Adams
- (#)Jim Hamre
- (#)Hans Mueller
- (#)Stephanie Weber
- (#)Chuck Mott (at-large representative)

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Last Update: 02/23/03
Web Author: Warren Y. Yee

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