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Can private sector BUSINESSES SOLVE passenger and freight RAIL problems? Find out below..
In Washington State:The Solution?
A public-private partnership where Business, Government, and Taxpayers ALL WIN:
Join us on OCTOBER 15 to hear the RAIL SOLUTION.
What is the Problem?
Washington is ideally situated as the U.S. port closest to Asia's growing markets: Japan, Korea, Russia. Shipments both to and from our ports save time and money. However, traffic congestion will cause us to lose that advantage. Soon, Los Angeles freight-dedicated Alameda Corridor will negate our time advantage - and reap our profits.
Should taxpayers pay to improve privately owned track?
Washington's current rail facilities are owned and operated by private enterprise. As we look to alleviate automobile and truck congestion, additional track makes sense, but is it reasonable to expect the taxpayer to pay for it.
Who Pays, then?
One possibility is a stakeholder approach. Businesses, governments and organizations invest in - and benefit from - improved and expanded rail infrastructure, with a long-term payback built in. A public-private partnership allows governments to invest, while businesses and passengers benefit from improved traffic flow.
Will it work?
The Northeast Corridor was built 130 years ago by private capital for just the kind of explosive growth that the Pacific Northwest is experiencing today. The lessons are clear: Come hear the experts!
University Plaza Hotel
400 N.E. 45th St.
Seattle, WA 98105
(206) 634-0100
Prepared by
Hal B. H. Cooper, Jr., Senior Project Engineer, Transystems Corp.
Tony Trifiletti, Outreach Director, Washington Association of Rail Passengers
PROGRAM - October 15, 1998
8:00 AM Registration and Refreshments
8:25 AM Introduction
Chuck Mott, Washington Association of Rail Passengers
8:30 AM Keynote Speaker
D. J. Mitchell, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway
9:00 AM Pacific Northwest Rail Needs
10:30 AM Cascadia Corridor Development
Noon Lunch: Wallingford Room
Luncheon Speaker: To be determined.
1:30 PM Rail-Port Cargo Interfaces
3:00 PM Financing Mechanisms and Requirements
4:30 PM Conference Summary
Chuck Mott, Washington Association of Rail Passengers-----------Please Print and Cut Out to Register--------------------------
Please reserve space for ____ attendees. I enclose payment of $30 per person, which includes the conference attendance fees, lunch and desert, as selected below.
Luncheon Menu: (Circle One)
Desert: (Circle One)
Make Checks payable to: Washington Association of Rail Passengers
Send Registration Form to: (Sorry, no on-line registration is available)
Washington Association of Rail Passengers Conference Coordinator:
Questions, drop an email to the Conference Coordinator.
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Last Update: 09/16/98
Web Author: Warren Y. Yee