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Referendum 51 -2002New!Hot!

WASHARP HAS FORMALLY ENDORSED REFERENDUM 51. This action took place at the June 2002 general membership meeting with the overwhelming support from the board of directors.

Here is the official resolution passed at the June meeting.

The Washington Association of Rail Passengers (WashARP) acknowledges that our state is experiencing severe transportation problems that impact the movement of people and goods and thus engender increased economic, social, environmental and safety costs to the people of Washington State.

WashARP strongly believes that the transportation funding package should have been passed by the State Legislature in the 2002 session and should not have been sent to the people for a vote by referendum. However, WashARP strongly supports the passage of Referendum 51 and urges our membership and other advocates of passenger and freight rail to support and vote for this referendum.

WashARP's support is significantly based upon the fact that Referendum 51's funding sources are not restricted to highway projects. These revenues would allow our state's popular and successful intercity passenger rail program to grow. Our Amtrak "Cascades" passenger service, seen as the model of a successful public-private partnership, has one compelling problem: The trains are frequently sold out, and the public wants more of this highly-regarded service.

Money from Referendum 51 would also greatly increase support for the state's little known, but locally vital, freight rail assistance program. This program, while constituting a small percentage of total proposed transportation investments, has positive impacts in areas of our state that have not enjoyed the economic success, population growth and resultant traffic problems of the Central Puget Sound region. Rail investments are a means of economic development in rural areas where support for the additional taxes and fees found in Referendum 51 may not be strong.

Thus, the Board of WashARP endorses Referendum 51 and urges its passage by the voters.

Details of R-51 - Amounts are for 10 years

R-51 Elements to be funded:
Rail breakdown: $294,026,000 total
Passenger Capital (State portion): $138,586,000
Passenger Operating (State portion): $27,500,000
Freight Rail Assistance Program: $94,600,000
Seattle to Everett Passenger Track Improvements (state portion): $31,000,000
Washington Fruit Express: $2,300,000
Other Programs: (I did not break these down individually)
FERRIES: $680,548,000
LOCAL PROGRAMS: $330,000,000
10 year totals: $7,681,727,000
Specific text of ESHB 2969 (R-51) is at
Final Bill report of ESHB 2969 (RT-51) is at

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Last Update: 06/20/02
Web Author: Warren Y. Yee

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