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Sunday, May 16, 2004 1530

Well yesterday was a total write off after Karen and Annie had their car accident.  Talk about an emotional roller coaster,! WHEW!!!!

After I gotthem home I did get a little work done, cast two sets of trucks in Alumilite.  Its not any harder to use than the CR 300 I've been using, its just already colored black.

I began assembling components of a 40 series hopper last night, right now I think I've got it about half finished .  I think I've got parts for two more cut already, not sure If I'll make the whole 8-10 cars.  I still think its probable that some of the cars would be off the roster for one reason or another after 20 odd years, specially with the newer steel cars coming.

Speaking of steel cars, I started designing and building frames.  Since I can't get channel or I beam in 24"lengths I've opted for a common centerbeam design that I fabricated out of 3/16" plex.  Its kinda weighty on its own,but for good measure, I put a ½ " steel rodinside the centerbeam.  Have to devise a bolster casting this evening to hook the trucks on.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004 0800

Not really accomplishing much  the last couple of days.   Fiddled with the bolster casting mainly.  Prolly gonna have to redo the mold to get a cleaner casting.  Will prolly use one of the castings from the first mold as a master.  Having some air bubble issues at the very ends, need to put some vents in there I suspect.

The new trucks look good mounted on the steel frames, these will indeed be large, heavy cars, and a the rate I'm working I could be retireing the 20 and 30 series hoppers by the end of summer!

Plans for the day, got the 2nd steel frame put together and as much as possible  done on the 3rd 40 series car.  Need to order some new cutoff wheels for the chop saw and more RTV for mold making.


The tees and channels from Hobbylinc arrived today, finished up the frame and fabricated the carbody.  Think I've gotten the knck down for cutting plex.  The rivets will be the intricate part of the cars.  What other details need to be on these cars?

Thursday, May 20, 2004, 0915

Fitted the carbody to the frame  last night, looks good, even the slope sheets fit in as advertised.  I believe  I will number this one in the low 50's  and then make the next one a more conventional style hopper  and number it in the high 50's to be a later transition car.I've decided to shorten the overall length of the standard looking cars  to 18 inches which is basically as long as the hopper body is on the 40 series cars.


Went ahead and ordered cut off wheels and RTV from Micro Mark.  I have been reviewing several different hopper designs and can show a defiate evolution  from the 40 series flat bottoms to the the 60 series hopper bottom cars.  Hopper bottoms would necessarily carry lading lower down and make a more stable car possibly another reason more of the flat bottom Ingoldsby types were not aquired.  I think it will be Ok to make the 60 series 6 inches tall but only 18 inches long with the added height and shape of the carbody accounting for an increased capacity.

Still what type of details should be added to these cars?  Have to fabricate an easily castable draft pocket for the knuckle couplers.  Airbrake gear would be appropriate as well: hoses,gladhands, reservoirs, and cylinders.  I'm also figgerin on the current brake wheels, lock pawls and assorted gubbins.

Friday, May 21, 2004, 0930

Busy day planned, not necessarily working on the RR but at least oriented to it.  Already sprayed weed killer along the ROW and going to mow the grass in a bit.  Cleaning up the back porch will take a few minutes as well, but ill be worth it to get eht rolling stock stored out there instead of in the living room.  Trip to the nursery is in order as well.

Since one tree in the front yard has been pulled up I can do a little site preparation  for the mine and staging yards.  Will be taking up the ivy alone the fron walk  and removing another bush. Gonna rearrange the rocks  I'm sure are under there, and plant phlox along them.

Saturday May 22, 2004, 0930

Got the yard mowed yesterday , tore up the ivy and removed a bush from the sight of the new mine yard.  Moved a BFR (Big Freakin Rock) to give just a little more length to play with.  I'm still not sure if I'm gonna put a runaround here or not but at least I got the room for it.  Trackage at Cedar Summit and the branchline will come first however.  I need to move the ballast pile, so I might start on the Cedar Summit trackage next.  I think this afternoon however I will I will clean off the side walk and tidy up where I removed the ivy  yesterday.  Then straightening up the back porch will be in order.

Going to spend tomorrow evening in The Shop. Get the rivets done on car 45 and 50 and do some designing for hopper 58.  the 58 will be hopper bottomed car at only 18" instead of 21".  Frame will be basically the same  as the flat bottom cars just shorter, and the way the bays will be done will allow me to vary them somewhat throughout construction.  Should get the doors on and the castings for hopper 45.

Need to finish up the last couple of items on the webpage to get it reflecting the Western Consolidated corporate image.

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